Mysticism and Mysteries

Mysticism and Mysteries

Welcome to the great mystery information center. Explore the world of unrevealed phenomena, unexplained mysteries , mystical events or simply curious stories. Mystery entertainment, information and articles for all who like mystery and mysteries . The greatest mysteries of mankind. Short mystery stories .
Optimism and confidence are determined by genesOptimism and confidence are determined by genes
15 Dec.
Self-esteem, life satisfaction and optimism have a common genetic basis. In optimism, however, environment plays a greater role than DNA.
Ghost Minister wants justiceGhost Minister wants justice
08 Dec.
First, the ghost was spotted by the guards of the court. However other officials say they are seeing a phantom, reports a Russian website.
The astronauts of the Third Reich returned after 47 years flightThe astronauts of the Third Reich returned after 47 years flight
08 Dec.
How did the astronauts of the third Reich survive during this incredible marathon after 47 years and never failed to return to Earth?
Jesus Christ is alive on the wallJesus Christ is alive on the wall
07 Dec.
His miracle happened at a factory in Ukraine, after the image of Jesus Christ was revived on its walls. The image appeared for the first time in the middle of the summer.
Fairies and nature spiritsFairies and nature spirits
06 Dec.
Today we will tell you about the natural spirits – Fairies, spirits, nymphs, gnomes and salamanders. Superstitions and beliefs about natural spirits.
What is sixth sense?What is sixth sense?
06 Dec.
Sixth sense should be used only for spiritual development and conversion to God, which is the ultimate form of spiritual growth.
Ghosts visit their families before deathGhosts visit their families before death
05 Dec.
Many Spirits appear only once, at the moment when their earthly time is over. One of the first documented ghost stories of this kind happened in 1250.
Immortality only after 20 years?Immortality only after 20 years?
01 Dec.
Since existence on Earth, people have dreamed of immortality. Now science has reached such progress that this effect can be achieved. Scientists believe that nanotechnologies will replace blood cells.
Fingers blab characterFingers blab character
01 Dec.
Fingers grant nature, considered experts in palmistry. If your fingers are long, then you are impulsive and impatient by nature. People with thin fingers are dedicated to the love.
Curse of the route 666Curse of the route 666
01 Dec.
In the U. S. state of Arizona there is a highway, which until recently was known as No. 666. For drivers the route is a symbol of evil. All data has been collected from a parapsychology scientist.
Vampires - dead sinnersVampires - dead sinners
01 Dec.
It is believed that vampires are dead sinners whose souls do not go to our world, but remain confined in the body it inhabits. Curious vampire stories.
Hello, from the afterlifeHello, from the afterlife
01 Dec.
Many people establish contacts with the underworld, and do not share the connection or are afraid to do this. There are known cases where people died and remind their families through calls.
Returned from HellReturned from Hell
30 Nov.
History knows many cases where people fall in extreme situations which seemingly chance of survival is being zero, however, defeating the threat, these people say they have returned from Hell.