Human Body

Human Body

The interest in the structure of the human body and its capabilities comes from ancient times. About the hidden and unsuspected capabilities of the human body .
Your Birthmark Reveals your Personality and Future! See What it MeansYour Birthmark Reveals your Personality and Future! See What it Means
08 Dec.
Birthmarks are tied to a wide number of beliefs. According to some occult claims, they are evidence of our past reincarnations. Others claim that they are determinant of our current life and personality traits.
Your Face Reveals What the Future has in Store for youYour Face Reveals What the Future has in Store for you
19 Sept.
If your eyebrows are located somewhat higher, you're going to have to take important steps frequently. For others around you, such decisions may be difficult but not for you because you possess confidence and purposefulness.
Want to Predict the Future? Your Brain Can!Want to Predict the Future? Your Brain Can!
07 July
Scientists from Radboud University in the Netherlands have proven that the human brain has the ability to predict the future and visually imagine the events that are going to occur.
The Walking Corpse Syndrome Makes People Kill ThemselvesThe Walking Corpse Syndrome Makes People Kill Themselves
08 Aug.
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome - In this condition, individuals perceive different objects as either much larger or much smaller than they actually are. It is caused by trauma to the occipital lobe.
New Condition Found Where Memories Can't be VisualizedNew Condition Found Where Memories Can't be Visualized
14 Sept.
The condition is called aphantasia and is the subject of study by experts in cognitive psychology. Experts predict that aphantasia can affect absolutely all of the patients' senses. . .
Our Facial Features Determine Others' Opinion of usOur Facial Features Determine Others' Opinion of us
18 Mar.
Persons born with V-shaped eyebrows are seen with reserve and mistrust by those around them. The same goes for those whose shape of the lips makes them always look pouty and unsatisfied.
A Japanese Technique with Fingers to Calm YourselfA Japanese Technique with Fingers to Calm Yourself
20 Feb.
According to one Japanese technique every person can control their emotions just by holding on to a specific finger of their hand. The Japanese believe that each one of our fingers controls an emotion.
Scientists Have Found the Point of Control in HumansScientists Have Found the Point of Control in Humans
24 July
Scientists have found the point in the human brain, whose stimulation can lead to loss of consciousness. Once the patient regains consciousness, they have no memory of what's happened.
Nine Bad Habits That Can Kill usNine Bad Habits That Can Kill us
26 June
The brain is a structure which is under the influence of many external and internal factors, without us even realizing it. Its function depends on the food we eat, our daily life, as well as the extent to which we use it.