The color palette significantly affects the perception of the person. Therefore, the right combination of colors, shades and tones is so important that it is a decisive factor in achieving the goals. Colors of clothes attract karma.
This is because each color has an impact on our mental state. Some colors attract attention, others repel. Handling color is a means of impression control because it can create an image that we need at the moment. Here are some pointers along that line of thought.
What karma do blue clothes attract?
Blue inspires confidence and creates an impression of seriousness and discipline, of reliability. It is an authoritative color and therefore the business dress code is the navy blue suit. The color blue is calming and at the same time creates a sense of good shape. It promotes communication and curbs excitement and anxiety. It is necessary to restore balance in life and is a symbol of loyalty and trust.
What karma do green clothes attract?

This color is convenient for visual perception. It relieves fatigue and improves tonicity. An ideal color to attract and accumulate strength. A suit in dark green evokes associations of conservative thinking, but creates a feeling of a stubborn person and attracts the corresponding karma. Light green on the other hand is a symbol of youth and lightness, speaks of growth and development, soothes, evoking thoughts of nature and its tranquility and eternity. Clothes in green attract good karma, faithful friends, easy days and beauty in life.
What do red clothes attract?
If the goal of the moment is dynamism and passion, choosing red color will help achieve that intention. Red is chosen to attract attention, but to win the interlocutors, the softer tones of this color are needed. The small element of red in clothes emphasizes the courage and energy in the character of the wearer of this color. In the absence of enthusiasm, it is good to add a little red, it will awaken the impulsive trait in the character. Too much red can attract passion, but also promiscuous relationships. Be careful how you handle this color.
What do pink clothes attract?
Pink clothes awaken tender feelings and give rise to a desire for protection. However, it is an inappropriate color for the business sphere. Pink relieves aggression, calms and lowers blood pressure. Too much pink can make you unable to take your life into your own hands.
The karma of yellow clothes

The color yellow cheers up because it is associated with the sun. It is a strong color associated with intelligence but also change. It is the first color that the human eye recognizes. It is suitable for insecure people, to whom it can bring more courage. A very suitable color for foggy autumn days. It increases concentration and can help a person during an exam.
What do gray clothes attract?
This is the neutral color that can be defined as the color of balance. It speaks of willingness to obey the rules, but wearing it too much gives the impression of impersonality and boredom. It is suitable for a person who wants to take the position of an outside observer who remains on the sidelines of the situation. A good color for melancholic people. It's a good color for the office. On the other hand, if you often wear this color, you may feel invisible, unwanted, unappreciated.
What do white clothes portend?

The association for him is purity and lightness. It is a solemn color that suggests a desire for reconciliation in conflict situations. A good option if you want to clear the mind of negative energy.
What karma do black clothes attract?
If one wants to be elegant but not stand out in the crowd, black color is suitable. Strengthens the will and concentration. This color boosts self-esteem and is recommended to attract more confidence. A good color for the office, drawing attention to the wearer.