Edgar Casey (March 18, 1877 – January 3, 1945), called Casey for short, was an American psychic who predicted many spiritual subjects, including those related to history, astrology and health. Most of his work consists of diagnosing and prescribing drugs for physical ailments.
This includes many alternative health concepts and practices. He performed readings while in a state of self-induced hypnosis. When he awoke from the trance, he remembered nothing, so he is also known as The Sleeping Prophet.
Skeptics consider Casey a charlatan, while others see him as a prophet pointing to hidden mysteries and new possibilities for human existence. His predictions of planetary changes that predate scientific concern about climate change and the melting of polar ice can be taken as coincidental or as evidence of his paranormal ability. Casey's concern for the overall health of people and the ecological health of the planet is strikingly contemporary.
Throughout his life, Casey was well-intentioned in his attempts to help others. A practicing Christian, his theological views diverge from orthodox beliefs in several areas, among them is reincarnation.
The Early Years of Edgar Cayce
Edgar Casey was born into a farming family on March 18, 1877, near Beverly, seven miles south of Hopkinsville, Kentucky. At the age of six, young Casey told his parents that he could see many things that seemed invisible to everyone else.
He contacted the souls of the dead and spoke with relatives who had recently died. In most cases, his family attributed these experiences to an overactive imagination. After all, he had many invisible friends, as well as many comrades - ordinary children, so they did not pay much attention to the unique experiences of their son.
As a child Casey found comfort in the Bible and re-read it every year. Even at an early age, he understood the importance of faith, love and morality. He was very fond of Bible stories and the teachings that inspired him and awakened his spiritual curiosity. The more he read, the more insatiable was his thirst for God.
At the age of thirteen, he had a profound spiritual experience that changed his life forever. One day he took his Bible and went to a playhouse in the woods overlooking a river. As he was reading, a beautiful woman in shining white clothes and wings suddenly appeared before him. She said, Your prayers have been answered, little boy. Tell me what you want most of all and I'll give it to you. Although he was shocked and incredulous, he responded with Most of all, I would like to help other people, especially children. After fulfilling his wish, the woman quickly disappeared. Shortly after the apparition appeared, he displayed a talent that could no longer be explained or dismissed as mere imagination. He could sleep on his textbooks and memorize their entire contents, word for word, upon waking.
Young age
To help his family out of a financial crisis, Edgar Casey dropped out of school after finishing the eighth grade and began working with his uncle on his grandmother's farm. In those days an eighth grade education was seen as more than enough and perfectly acceptable for a working class person. About a year later, his family moved to Hopkinsville, where he began working at Hopper's Bookstore - specializing primarily in occult and osteopathic works. It is possible that this led at a later stage to the formation of these abilities of his as a parahealer.
A few months after moving to the city, he met Gertrude Evans. Love ignited between them and at the age of nineteen, Casey became engaged to her. They married six years later. In 1900 he formed a business partnership with his father, but in March he was stricken with severe laryngitis, which left him completely speechless. Unable to work, he lived at home with his parents for almost a year. After that, he took up photography, since the profession requires a minimum effort on the vocal cords. He apprenticed at the photographic studio of W. Bowles in Hopkinsville.
Transition from patient to healer
A traveling hypnotist and performer known as Hart - The Laugh Man, performed at the Hopkinsville Opera House in 1901. He heard of Casey's condition and offered to cure him. Edgar Casey accepted and the experiment took place on stage in front of an audience. Remarkably, Casey's voice returned while in a hypnotic trance, but was lost again upon awakening. Since Hart had commitments in other cities, there was no way he could continue with Casey's hypnotic treatment. This led Edgar to seek treatment closer to home, as he soon discovered a local hypnotist named Al Lane.
The gentleman agreed to help him restore his voice. He suggested to Edgar Cayce that he try to describe the nature of his condition and cure himself while in a hypnotic trance. While in a trance, Casey revealed that voice loss was due to psychological paralysis and could be cured by increasing blood flow to the larynx. While still in trance, Al Lane advised him to get his body to increase circulation there. Almost immediately, Casey's throat turned bright red. After only 20 minutes, Casey announced that the treatment was over and woke up from the hypnosis, then spoke for the first time in months.
Relapses of his disease occurred, but were corrected by Lane in the same manner, and he eventually made a full recovery. Casey later describes his own illness from a doctor's point of view, saying, We have the body. These words soon become his everyday language. Thanks to Lane, he realizes that he can give accurate and effective healings while in a trance, and begins diagnosing people for free. His fame spread like wildfire. The media printed his successful work reports, inspiring many postal inquiries. It is suggested that Edgar Casey was able to work just as effectively using a letter from the individual as in the presence of a person. Given the person's name and location, he could diagnose physical and/or mental conditions and provide a remedy.

Edgar Casey's accuracy in identifying problems and providing effective treatments made him popular, and soon people all over the world were seeking his advice by correspondence. His work is increasing and he relies on voluntary donations to support his family and practice full time. All the while he has the support of his wife, who encourages him to be a faith healer. And so he does, his business card is a mental diagnostician. A bitter experiment makes him realize that he should help people heal their bodies and spirits, not tell them how to achieve wealth and material gain.
Casey's relaxation methods, before each reading, involved lying down, untying his shoes, loosening his tie, and placing his hands lightly on his chest. He would then go into a trance, usually at the request of someone seeking help for health or other personal problems. His later readings were related to past lives, business advice, dream interpretation and mental or spiritual health.
Casey gave approximately 22, 000 readings over a period of 43 years (1901 to 1944); until September 1923, however, they were not systematically preserved. Accordingly, there are currently only about 14, 000 saved reads. When he came out of his trance, Casey claimed not to remember what he said during the reading. According to him, the unconscious mind has access to information that the conscious mind does not have - a common theory of hypnosis in his day.
After Gladys Davis became Casey's secretary on September 10, 1923, she recorded his testimony in shorthand, thanks to which all of his readings since then have been preserved.
In 1925, Casey moved to Virginia Beach, where he was a professional medium with a small staff of employees and volunteers.
Four years later, in 1929, Casey established a hospital in the city of Virginia Beach, sponsored by a wealthy benefactor of trance readings, Morton Blumenthal. Casey became increasingly popular toward the end of his life, but he felt that the publicity could overshadow the healing and theology that for him was the more important part of his work.
Casey gained national prominence in 1943 through an article in the Coronet. Feeling unable to bring back people who needed his help so desperately, he increased the frequency of his readings to 8 a day. Ultimately, this affects his health, as his work is emotionally draining and very tiring. He himself knows that more than 2 readings a day will begin to destroy his physical health and lead to his death. Unfortunately, when he finally stops to recover his strength, it's too late.
Edgar Casey suffered a stroke on January 2, 1945. He died the next day.
Nowadays he has several tens of thousands of followers. Most of them are located in the United States and Canada, but Edgar Casey Centers are now located in 25 other countries. The Association for Research and Education (ARE), based in Virginia Beach, is an organization dedicated to the works and teachings of Edgar Cayce.
Edgar Casey's Prophecies That Came True
Many of Edgar Casey's prophecies have turned out to be accurate, but there are others that have yet to come to pass.
Here are the top 10 Edgar Casey predictions that have already come true:
Bimini Road and Atlantis
In 1938, Edgar Casey predicted that: A portion of the temples may still be discovered under the silt of centuries and sea water near Bimini… Expect it in 1968 or 1969. The Bimini Road was discovered in 1968 and Casey described it as "the rise of Atlantis". Many people believe that Bimini Road is actually part of Atlantis, and Edgar Cayce was right in his prediction. He describes Atlantis as an ancient civilization the same size as Europe and with much better technology.
Casey also said that Atlantis disappeared somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean about 10, 000 years ago. He went on to argue that Atlantis went through three major periods of division, the first two being around 15, 600 BC. The mainland is divided into islands that Casey calls Poseidon, and Arius. He also explains that the Atlanteans built giant laser crystals for power plants that caused the destruction of the Earth. Casey blamed the final destruction of the Earth and their culture on greed and lust. Finally, he said that there was a great migration of Atlanteans into Egypt and that the sinking of the last remnants of Atlantis was due to the Biblical Flood of Noah.
The death of two presidents
In 1939, Edgar Casey predicted the death of two presidents, saying: You must have upheavals - you must have a struggle between capital and labor. You have to have division in your own land, before you have the second of the presidents who won't survive his office...crowd rule! . In April 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt died in office. Casey continued:
Unless there is more give and take, attention to those who produce, with a better division of the surplus profits of labor, there must be greater upheaval in the land The President John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas in November 1963.
Collapse of the Soviet Union
Edgar Casey predicted the fall of communism and the collapse of the Soviet Union. He said: (Through Russia) comes the hope of the world. Not in relation to the concept of communism or Bolshevism - no! But freedom - freedom! That every man shall live for his neighbor. The principle was born there. It will take years; but again from Russia comes the hope of the world. The Soviet Union collapsed as a nation in 1991, abandoning communism and creating economic and political freedom.
The Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression
In 1924, Casey predicted that the stock market would crash in 1929 and taught his clients how to prepare for the crash and how to play the market. His clients ignored him and lost everything they had when the stock market crashed. He also foresaw the Great Depression, which he claimed the stock market crash had triggered, and predicted would lift in the spring of 1933.
Revolutions in foreign lands
In March 1935, Edgar Casey predicted that many foreign nations would have revolutions unless there was more group spirituality. In 1936, the Spanish Civil War broke out, Japan invaded China, Italy invaded Ethiopia, and Joseph Stalin instituted the Great Purge all over Russia.
Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler

Edgar Casey predicted in January 1934 that Adolf Hitler would be reborn to rule Germany. Casey declared that imperialism is coming in. Then, in August 1935, he predicted that Hitler would remain in power until he collapsed or was out of the war.
Jews Returning to Israel
In 1932, Edgar Casey predicted that the Jews would return to Israel and advised the Jews to consider anti-Semitism in Europe as a time to fulfill Bible prophecy to return. The nation of Israel was restored in May 1948, as Casey predicted, which was then followed by a war between Israel and the surrounding Arab countries.
Alliance between USA and Russia
During the time of the Soviet Union, Edgar Casey predicted that Russia would one day be an ally of the United States. He said: “… for changes to come, this may be certain - an evolution or a revolution in the ideas of religious thought. In the end, the foundation of the world will come out of Russia. Not communism, no! But rather what is at the heart of the same thing that Christ taught—his kind of communism.” The prediction came true after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, which Casey predicted.
Replacement of Earth's Poles
Edgar Casey described the concept of the pole shift resulting from the movement of the earth's crust independent of the core to result in a different surface above the axis of rotation in the late 1920s and began in the 30s. This process is receiving increasing attention from geophysicists.
He predicts that changes in the earth's surface will begin some time between 1958 and 1998. The reason for the changes is the change in the world's magnetic poles around the year 2000. Casey said that when this happens, it will lead to reversals in the world's climate: "... where there was an icy or semi-tropical climate, it will be more tropical, and moss and fern will grow.
According to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, something changed Earth's gravitational field that caused the magnetic poles to converge in 1998. This confirms Casey's pole shift prediction.
His own death
Imagine having the ability to predict your own death, said Edgar Cayce. His visions warned him that he should not use his psychic abilities more than twice a day or serious health problems would occur. Casey was quite popular and received thousands of requests. He ignored the warnings and continued with the testimony.
On January 1, 1945, Edgar Casey predicted that he would die within four days. He did - died of a stroke on January 3, 1945 and was buried in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, where he was born.