What are the evil forces and how are we affected daily by the negative energy? How do we protect ourselves from evil forces , lessons, and negative energy?
Beware of people with evil eyes, they can bring you a lot of misfortunes and various diseases. After meeting such a person, it is best to do a cleansing ritual.
In order for a person to protect themselves from bad energy influence, one should wear a red thread tied on the left wrist. How exactly is the red thread tied? What to do if the red thread breaks?
For some people, anxiety is a persistent condition that manifests itself in situations that are far from life-threatening. If you think you have a problem with your anxiety, try the following self-treatment techniques.
The fan is much more than a fashion accessory - according to Feng Shui it possesses magical properties which few are aware of, those being the abilities to ward off evil spirits and attract positive energy.
If you feel any sort of negative energy present around you or are having nightmares, cleanse yourself with lemon water. Cut a lemon into 2 and take just 1 of the halves.
Opening an umbrella indoors brings bad luck. This story originates from a Roman woman who opened her umbrella inside the home. Several seconds later the entire building collapsed.
No doubt, nearly everyone crosses paths with malicious people on a daily basis. Even if you don't know them personally, they can make you feel truly awful. This may be because of jealousy or envy on their part.
If you feel worn out, it's possible for someone to have cursed you. In essence, a curse is negative psychological energy, born of hatred, malice and irritation.
Even if they don't admit it, most people emit negative energy at certain times - when they're angry, irritated, feel jealousy or hatred. Often it happens that the negativity is not noticed because it is a constant part of the reality of a given person.
It is believed that cats and dogs are the first to sense a person that crosses the threshold into your home. Animals react immediately when they sense negative energy, intentions for theft or evil.
The most personal and treasured things of a person usually become a source of bad influence. Cleansing of the home must also be done mandatorily when a misfortune occurs.
Everything in your home is connected in some strange way with your subconscious. Dishes symbolize wealth and family. When we eat in cracked plates, subconsciously we tune into troubles and failures.