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Future and Technology

Future and Technology

Technology is inextricably linked to our future. The secrets of technology that can change the world in the near future.
Immortality Will be Possible by Uploading our Brains Into ComputersImmortality Will be Possible by Uploading our Brains Into Computers
13 Oct.
The long-coveted dream for hundreds of generations throughout history and into today - immortality - may soon enough become reality.
A Look at How the World will be Like in 2030A Look at How the World will be Like in 2030
17 Mar.
The world is developing at a rapid pace. Prognoses by the World Economic Forum about how it'll look like in 15 years are beyond mind blowing.
Unbelievable Technologies Inspired by AnimalsUnbelievable Technologies Inspired by Animals
25 Jan.
Undoubtedly, the greatest creator in the world is mother nature. The extraordinary forms she has created, whether they be living or not, continue to surpass the abilities of even the most ingenious inventors among humans.