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Beliefs, Traditions and Customs

Beliefs, Traditions and Customs

Superstitions, beliefs, traditions and customs from Bulgaria and the world. The unusual and strange beliefs in different cultures have survived to this day. When traditions command and the gods are silent.
Why Should We Not Celebrate a 40th Birthday?Why Should We Not Celebrate a 40th Birthday?
22 Jan.
Not everyone knows that it is customary not to celebrate a 40th birthday. This belief comes from ancient times and is related to folk beliefs.
Rituals for Attracting Luck and MoneyRituals for Attracting Luck and Money
07 Jan.
Positive thinking is one of the prerequisites for attracting luck and money. But it is not enough at all. How to attract luck and money?
Folk Beliefs for Attracting MoneyFolk Beliefs for Attracting Money
04 Jan.
Money is never enough, even for millionaires. Here are some folk beliefs for attracting money. How to attract money?
What Does it Mean if Your Hand ItchesWhat Does it Mean if Your Hand Itches
03 Jan.
If your hand itches, it makes a big difference whether it's the left or the right. If your right hand itches, it is a sign that you will take money, if it is the left - it is a sign that you will lose money.
What Does it Mean if Your Ears are Burning?What Does it Mean if Your Ears are Burning?
23 Nov.
Superstitions have been intertwined in our daily lives since time immemorial. A superstition is a belief or notion born of an attempt to understand the incomprehensible.
The Black Cat - Bad Luck or Just Superstition?The Black Cat - Bad Luck or Just Superstition?
17 Nov.
The black cat has a remarkable history. According to legends and superstitions, the black cat was sacred in Ancient Egypt. In other countries, it is considered a friend of witches and was burned with them for witchcraft. All about the black cats.
What Does it Mean if Your Left Hand Itches?What Does it Mean if Your Left Hand Itches?
18 Oct.
How should we deal with the fact, that our body is itching somewhere? What do we know about the superstitions concerning an itchy feeling in the left hand. If someone's left palm itches, this is a sign that they will. . .
What Does a Broken Mirror Foretell?What Does a Broken Mirror Foretell?
10 Oct.
If you break a mirror that is very large, it is strictly forbidden to use any of its pieces as a small mirror. This will attract misfortunes at home.
Symbolism of the UnicornSymbolism of the Unicorn
09 Apr.
The mythical unicorn creature is found in the traditions of many peoples.
The Hidden Magical Secrets of the Human ShadowThe Hidden Magical Secrets of the Human Shadow
07 Dec.
The human shadow holds a special place in various legends and folklore tales. Many of the ancient peoples saw it as a magical extension of our bodies and it was even present in important prophecies and magical rituals.
The Magical Properties of Mirrors - Find out Why it`s Important to Clean Them OftenThe Magical Properties of Mirrors - Find out Why it`s Important to Clean Them Often
29 May
Whenever you say something negative or even think about it while in the presence of a mirror (no matter who it's directed at), the object will take in the negative energy and reflect it right back at you.
Tattoos That Bring Good LuckTattoos That Bring Good Luck
02 May
A tattoo depicting a peony flower will benefit those who are seeking a stable relationship with their partner and dream of better luck in love.
Beliefs Foreshadowing That you`ll Soon Find LoveBeliefs Foreshadowing That you`ll Soon Find Love
03 Apr.
There's beliefs devoted to every aspect of human life and love is no exception. Here we're going to remind you of the most popular romance-related beliefs from around the world.