Do you know what colors symbolize and how they affect us? Whether you are talking about clothes, hair color, nail polish, apartment colors, the colors you choose matter. Skillful use of colors is a guarantee for success in many areas of human life.
Since ancient times, certain human societies have had a special attitude toward colors. They were believed to possess magical properties that could heal the human body and soul, make dreams come true and make us happier.
Unlike summer, spring and fall, when there's a variety of hues all around in one form or another, during winter it's as if the world slumbers under a deep snowy blanket, while outside it's dark, cold, grey.
One color above all others is considered to be a universal antidepressant and will help make your wishes come true, as long as you have at least one possession of that color that you keep around you and see every day.
Depending on your date of birth, there are certain colors which will bring you good luck and those which you're better off avoiding, especially on days in which you plan on doing something important.
The color violet, in turn, has the ability to boost intellectual activity but it can also be quite dangerous. Frequent contact with it leads to depressive states. Light blue shades calm.
Pink is one of those colors that has endless contradictory meanings. The color is a symbol of escapism from reality, a synonym of impracticality. Few people know that the color pink is actually a combination of red and white. . .
What's intriguing is that the symbolism of the color white overlaps across nearly all religions and mythologies, constantly linked with purity, faith, goodness and justice.
For the ancient Romans and Greeks, the color black was a symbol of mourning and death, for the Chinese - wisdom, while the Jews viewed it as gloomy. In Egypt and North Africa, this tone is a symbol of fertile soil and rain clouds.
The colors we surround ourselves with can reveal a great deal about our character. Our favorite colors show our strengths and weaknesses, as well as our hidden fears.
Each and every color has its own symbolism, weight, value, implication, emotional burden or religious beliefs. One's favorite color often shows exactly what type of energy they need in order to maintain their inner balance.
The is a yellow symbol of the sun, the source of heat and light, without which life on Earth is impossible. Yellow fills you with positive energy. Symbolism of yellow color.