Mysticism and Mysteries

Mysticism and Mysteries

Welcome to the great mystery information center. Explore the world of unrevealed phenomena, unexplained mysteries , mystical events or simply curious stories. Mystery entertainment, information and articles for all who like mystery and mysteries . The greatest mysteries of mankind. Short mystery stories .
Birds can predict the weatherBirds can predict the weather
18 Dec.
Looking at the birds - if they are perched in the treetops, warming is expected. Crows that caw, perched on tree branches, herald a blizzard. Weather superstitions and predictions.
Talismans of the Earth signsTalismans of the Earth signs
18 Dec.
People born under a Zodiac sign of the earth, are distinguished by great love. These are representatives of the Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. Find your Astrological Talismans.
Wooden Luck TalismansWooden Luck Talismans
18 Dec.
Each item from lime, serves as a talisman for easy communication with people. Oak is made for a talisman of luck, which allows you to resolve even the most difficult and complex situations.
Star signs and healthStar signs and health
18 Dec.
Representatives of different zodiac signs are susceptible to various diseases. For example, Aries recover rapidly from illness, but often suffer from mental disorders and neuralgia.
Body Language and personality disordersBody Language and personality disorders
18 Dec.
Patients with personality disorders have a specific body language. Body language usually reflects the patient's mental health problems.
Myths we do not knowMyths we do not know
19 Sept.
Myth is that brain cells do not regenerate. In 1998 it became clear that brain cells have the ability to regenerate. Absolute myth is that lightning does not strike twice in the same place.
The spiral of timeThe spiral of time
19 Sept.
Ancient scientists have discovered that life develops in a given cycle. Current events can be described with stunning accuracy by copying stories from the past.
Unsolved coded messagesUnsolved coded messages
19 Sept.
People have used code for centuries to transmit secret information. But there are codes that can not be deciphered, even by the best specialists in this field. These include the captions Phaistos disc.
How not to overdo Feng ShuiHow not to overdo Feng Shui
07 Sept.
Positions of objects in the house more often are being chosen, according to the principles of Feng Shui. When considering how to furnish your home, consult a specialist, but do not underestimate your own desires.
The meaning of FlowersThe meaning of Flowers
07 Sept.
It is customary to gift a flower to a young girl, during the initial courtship. But what is the real meaning of flowers?
How to find out if you are jinxedHow to find out if you are jinxed
07 Sept.
When you are convinced that the misfortunes that come upon you, appeared suddenly and without apparent reason, you can certainly say that someone is jinxing you.
How to see AurasHow to see Auras
20 Aug.
Everyone has an aura, say our esoteric practices of ancient times. But what is aura? Aura looks like a halo, and is composed of three layers - physical, intellectual and emotional.
Talismans to protect from angerTalismans to protect from anger
20 Aug.
Gemstones make talismans, which have different tasks. These talismans can be given in the form of jewelry or wrapped in cloth and always wear them close to your body.