»Articles»Mysteries»Body Language and personality disorders

Body Language and personality disorders

Body Language and personality disorders

Patients with personality disorders have a specific body language. It consists of a series of characteristics. Body language usually reflects the patient's mental health problems.

For example: people kept apart by personality disorder and patients with diametrically opposed, to narcissistic personality disorder, behave differently.

Some examples:

Body language of narcissists - it assumes a physical position that shows superiority, seniority, hidden powers, mysteriousness, indifference, etc. Although narcissists usually maintain eye contact, they often refrain from physical proximity (keep personal space).

A Psychopath is likely to be expansive (dominate and invade the privacy of others), arrogant and somewhat menacing. His composure is declared as mixed with excitement, eager, with very rapid breathing. The overall impression is like a time bomb ready to explode.

Kept apart and aloof, this type has a clear distinction of their personal space, which the patient often takes to (for example, by folding the legs under it). Their posture is tense and defensive: shoulders bowed, arms folded, legs crossed. They avoid eye contact.

Transition type is "everywhere." Their body seems to be completely out of control. They are irritable, shy, nervous and rotate the display of compassionate warmth and sulks, even assuiming a threatening position.

Schizoid type is like a robot, slow and considerate. They move reluctantly, maintain great distance from the therapist and are passive (but not aggressive). Always on guard, but are generally friendly. They do not hesitate to show their emotions: love, anger or fear.

The Paranoid type is cold and defensive, always alert and have strange reactions. Their eyes constantly searching, they do not sit still in one place. They sometimes have sweating and breathing difficulties (panic attacks). Their speech is great, and they maintain eye contact only when trying to prove their point, or to assess the response of their interlocutor.

By itself, body language cannot, and should not be used as a diagnostic tool, but should be used in conjunction with psychiatric interviews and psychological tests.
