Mysticism and Mysteries

Mysticism and Mysteries

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Palmistry - Meaning of the Line of FatePalmistry - Meaning of the Line of Fate
22 Oct.
The line of fate is situated from the wrist toward the center of the palm and is one of the secondary lines of the hand. A double line of fate indicates a distinguished career.
Shooting Stars in the Coming DaysShooting Stars in the Coming Days
21 Oct.
At the end of October and beginning of November, we will witness the movement of the Orions - a meteor shower formed from the tail of Halley's Comet.
Russian Scientist Photographs the Soul Leaving the BodyRussian Scientist Photographs the Soul Leaving the Body
18 Oct.
Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov managed to photograph a human soul with a bioelectrographic camera upon the moment of it leaving the body. The soul, colored in blue, is clearly seen as it gradually leaves the human body.
Cases of Alien AbductionsCases of Alien Abductions
17 Oct.
After living through an alien abduction, a unique piece of evidence was left over in his body, which was subsequently sent for DNA analysis. Four years later he had another unexplained encounter.
A Walk to Relieve FatigueA Walk to Relieve Fatigue
17 Oct.
American scientists have proven the benefits of walking. Walking is much healthier than drinking caffeine or energy drinks and is more beneficial for your body.
What Our Favorite Colors RevealWhat Our Favorite Colors Reveal
16 Oct.
Each and every color has its own symbolism, weight, value, implication, emotional burden or religious beliefs. One's favorite color often shows exactly what type of energy they need in order to maintain their inner balance.
How to Save Ourselves from MisfortuneHow to Save Ourselves from Misfortune
15 Oct.
Misfortune is a peculiar energy, which repels favorable situations and leads to such circumstances where, no matter how long a person has been moving forward, disappointment will be waiting for them at the end.
Freudian SlipsFreudian Slips
15 Oct.
Between 1892 - 1895, Freud became engrossed with applying the method of free association when working with his patients. He would let his patient settle in comfortably in a chair or couch, while urging them to relax maximally.
Symbolism of the BirthdaySymbolism of the Birthday
14 Oct.
In order to delve into the symbolic meanings of birthday celebrations, we must go back to the dawn of this custom. In its modern state, the birthday celebration was born in Germany.
World Record: 13 Babies in the Womb of an Iraqi WomanWorld Record: 13 Babies in the Womb of an Iraqi Woman
11 Oct.
An Iraqi woman may be entered into the record books as the mother with the most babies in her belly. She is carrying 13 babies in her womb.
Elf Body Discovered in MexicoElf Body Discovered in Mexico
10 Oct.
The body of a creature unknown to science was discovered in Mexico. The body of the creature was found in a forest and its origins have been extremely difficult to determine so far.
The Kolsky Deep ProbeThe Kolsky Deep Probe
09 Oct.
The date of May 24 marks the beginning of a project that will make real discoveries about the structure of the Earth. The project started in 1970 and is located on the Kolsky Peninsula (Russia).
Beliefs and Real Stories About Comets and AsteroidsBeliefs and Real Stories About Comets and Asteroids
08 Oct.
The appearance of comets is thought of as a bad omen in many cultures around the world. The appearance of a comet is often seen as a sign of destructive and tragic events, which will come to pass in the near future.