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The importance and meaning of stones in our dreamsThe importance and meaning of stones in our dreams
14 Mar.
He, of course, dreams of ideal love. Because of his internal weakness, however, it is impossible. His anima is still amorphous, uncertain, and weak. Based on this data the dream becomes clear to everyone....
The importance of stones in our dreamsThe importance of stones in our dreams
14 Jan.
He, of course, dreams of ideal love. Because of his internal weakness, however, it is impossible. His anima is still amorphous, uncertain, and weak. Based on this data the dream becomes clear to everyone....
The Most Important Symbols in our DreamsThe Most Important Symbols in our Dreams
18 Jan.
Flying in a dream is a lucid dream that's taken to mean incredible freedom. Flying makes your subconscious wake up, a freedom that's otherwise impossible....
Edgar Cayce and the messages in our dreamsEdgar Cayce and the messages in our dreams
28 July
For the forty so years that Edgar Cayce practiced he persisted with teaching us that dreams do foretell important future events....
Animals in our Dreams Bear an Important Message! Find out WhatAnimals in our Dreams Bear an Important Message! Find out What
19 Sept.
Cats Cats exemplify intuition and their appearance in a dream has an important meaning when you're faced with a choice or expected to make an important decision....
Animals in our Dreams and the Signs They Give usAnimals in our Dreams and the Signs They Give us
10 Dec.
For example, if you're afraid of dogs, a dog in your dream may be warning you of some kind of danger. Pets are a common occurrence in dreams....
Full Moon in Gemini - What's Most Important TodayFull Moon in Gemini - What's Most Important Today
26 Nov.
Today, it's important not to do anything you're uncertain about, nor gossip more or cause drama. It's also not recommended to purchase anything too expensive or sign important contracts....
What Mysterious Meetings Signify in our DreamsWhat Mysterious Meetings Signify in our Dreams
26 June
Still, the appearance of another person in our dreams is an important sign that we must not ignore....
What the Numbers in our Dreams PredictWhat the Numbers in our Dreams Predict
10 Sept.
The numbers we dream of also bear a specific and particular meaning. These numbers can reveal important information for past or future events....
Full Moon in Pisces - What's Important on This DayFull Moon in Pisces - What's Important on This Day
09 Sept.
This Tuesday, the full moon phase will fall into the zodiac sign of Pisces. The day is suitable for forgiveness, placation and purification, no matter your zodiac sign. Once the Moon completes its cycle with a full Moon...
How to Interpret Every Room of our Home in our DreamsHow to Interpret Every Room of our Home in our Dreams
15 Dec.
A home in your dream is a clear window into your own notion of the different aspects of your life. In a dream, each room has its own meaning and shows how you see particular aspects of your life....
What Do Deceased People in Our Dreams Symbolize?What Do Deceased People in Our Dreams Symbolize?
12 Dec.
The person you are dreaming of was exceptionally close to you and you once again have the need to discuss important issues with them. The dreamed of dead person can be an omen of problems and chaos to come....
Elements in our Dream That Reveal our Subconscious Intimate DesiresElements in our Dream That Reveal our Subconscious Intimate Desires
18 Nov.
Honey According to certain folk interpretations, eating honey in a dream leads to disasters for the dreamer. However, sex therapists believe that in fact it bespeaks of the lewd, unrequited desires of the dreamer....
Mars is Destroying its Moon PhobosMars is Destroying its Moon Phobos
19 Nov.
For several years Mars has been in the process of slowly destroying its natural satellite Phobos, announce NASA experts, who are studying the impressions and surface of Phobos. The 1st stage of the celestial body's destruction...
What Do the Differents Fruits in our Dreams Foretell?What Do the Differents Fruits in our Dreams Foretell?
28 Nov.
Dream interpreters often focus on what we feel during a particular dream - fear, happiness, hope, faith and so on. Often it's also hard to hone in on those feelings....
New Moon in Scorpio - Time to Make our Wishes RealityNew Moon in Scorpio - Time to Make our Wishes Reality
11 Nov.
On November 11, 17:47 UTC, the new moon phase will occur in the sign of Scorpio and this will make all of the wishes within the scope of this sign come true. The 1st 8 hours of the new moon are the most effective....
Taoism and Its TeachingsTaoism and Its Teachings
02 Apr.
Taoism is a spiritual teaching, a philosophy whose roots lie in the shamanism of ancient China. The classical Taoism period was between 700 - 220 BC and later at around 25 - 219 AD it grew into a religion. Taoism,...
How to Control Our DreamsHow to Control Our Dreams
15 Apr.
When we dream we travel to a much different world. At first glance, our dreams seem completely real. We might dream that we are falling, that we are being chased or even experience erotic adventures....
How Gemstones Affect our DreamsHow Gemstones Affect our Dreams
10 Apr.
Helps us learn important lessons during sleep. 3. Jade It has the ability to make dreams prophetic or boost intuition in real life. 4....
Dreams, messages from our subconsciousDreams, messages from our subconscious
13 Mar.
The brain processes the information received and issues a decision in the form of a dream. This basically means that we can look at for a solution in our dreams....
Do dreams affect our decisions?Do dreams affect our decisions?
05 Dec.
But the issues that incite people to interpretations thoughts, give them psychological support and often have importance in decision making....
Colors in DreamsColors in Dreams
18 June
A brown color in a dream signifies family happiness and calm. If you are dressed in brown in your dream, this portends attaining wealth soon....
What Do the Different Zodiac Signs in our Dreams Symbolize?What Do the Different Zodiac Signs in our Dreams Symbolize?
04 Dec.
To correctly interpret a dream, we have to take into consideration the zodiac sign of the person we dream of, in order to best understand the message....
The Moon Phases Predict Our FutureThe Moon Phases Predict Our Future
23 Apr.
Experts claim that the phase of the Moon on each birthday can be a clear indicator of the events that await us in our next year. The moon can be an adviser as to what to avoid throughout the year, in order to avoid serious...
Saturn Moon Conceals Enormous Ocean Beneath its IceSaturn Moon Conceals Enormous Ocean Beneath its Ice
02 Nov.
NASA announced that they've found an entire ocean on one of Saturn's moons. The satellite in question is Enceladus, which the Cassini space probe found water ice and vapor on back in 2005, as they were ejected into space...