»Dream Dictionary»Dreams About Buying a Plot of Land and its Meaning
LandDreaming that you sell, buy or are measuring a plot of land , signifies that it is time to lend a hand or that you ...
LandTo dream of mud and waterlogged land , means you will achieve success difficultly.......
BuyingIf you dream that someone is buying something, you could be ruined.......
Dream of eatingIf you eat in a dream , you will not enjoy your success.......
dream of waterIf you dream of dirty water in a spring or stream, beware, disease and impotence may be abound .......
Dream of deathIf you dream of death for someone you know, you'll have good news and happiness.......
PlowDreaming that you see a plow , suggests much has to be exercised prior to succeeding.......
PlowTo dream that you plow with a plow , suggests that you will be the king of abundance and fertility at home.......
Plotter, plotIf you dream of a conspiracy, means you have a great need to rest, as you work and feel nervous, adding to enterta...
LaneDreaming of a lane , predicts that you will be tempted.......
Plowed landIf you dream of plowed land , means you expect trouble at work.......
Dream of own stoolIf you sit in chairs, you'll be proud of your work or will be respected and honored by others.......
Buying a houseIf you dream of Buying a house, you will improve your conditions.......
The same dream over and overReach completion and you will stop dreaming that dream .......
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