»Choosen Collections»Dream of the sun and Moon Together

According to the astrological calendar, 2017 falls under the patronage of the Sun, which is going to bring us a number of big changes and unexpected...

In ancient Egypt, the image of the winged sun is associated with Ra and the sun gods, according to Egyptologists....

All of these things can appear in our dreams and cause us serious worries about what they mean....

Further explanation pertaining to the unseen side of the moon is the location of the Earth, its satellite and the sun....

First Phase: New Moon - the moon is located between the Sun and Earth and is hardly visible....

They reveal that the Moon is composed of 50% Earth and 50% of some other cosmic object....

\' However most of us think and wonder what is the dream trying to tell us? And will it come true?
The moon is responsible for our dreams....


If you dream of a picture, this is a symbol of your outlook on the events happening around you....

If you dream of a teacher, this is a sign that at the moment you have need of advice and support....

If you dream of a ghost at home and you ask it a question, its answer is the meaning of the dream....

If you dream of falling off a cliff, this means that you will face a serious danger and experience a great sense of fear....

An aquarium filled with fish that breaks in your dream and the water pours out means material success, inheritance or making a serious deal in short...

It is easy to imagine the symbolism of pearls. This belongs to the marine world. Right it is the offspring of the water and the moon?...
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