Pink is one of those colors that has endless contradictory meanings. The color is a symbol of escapism from reality, a synonym of impracticality.
Few people know that the color pink is actually a combination of red and white, more of a nuance of these rather than its own hue. It is believed to bring together the energy of the color red and peace of the color white.
Additionally, pink is considered the sweet side of red - the greater the percentage of red, the more energetic the color, without being excessively aggressive.
In color psychology, pink brings hope. A positive color, filling one with warm and calming sensations, with the feeling that everything will be all right. Pink cools our emotional energies, extinguishes anger, aggression, the feeling of loneliness and anguish.
Studies confirm that exposure to great amounts of pink have a calming effect on the nerves and induce physical weakness in people. Violent and aggressive prisoners have been successfully placated after being placed in a pink room for a set amount of time.
The pink ribbon is the international symbol of hope and awareness in the battle against breast cancer. In advertising it's used to imply gentleness, bodily care, baby products, softeners. Of course it's almost impossible to interpret the various nuances of pink in the same way, for they all carry their own specific symbolism.

Baby pink is undoubtedly the most sensitive color, it's widely used in the design of wedding invitations, cosmetics and lingerie. It combines very well with others pastel nuances such as pale lavender and violet, light blue, peach, pale green and yellow tones.
Bright pink, also known as cyclamen, is seen as a youthful color because it's fun and exciting. It has a stimulating effect, increases blood pressure, instigates toward action. It's very frequently used in the confectionery industry - cakes look far sweeter and tastier in pink packaging.
Coral pink, which is a combination between orange and pink, symbolizes energy, warmth, a good mood but also a warning. In recent years, it's been used in the fashion industry beyond successfully.