Most people realize that we perceive colors by association. How does this happen? When it passes through the eyes, the perception of color reaches all the organs and gives rise to recognizable sensations. Tests have shown that colors can affect blood pressure. For example, we perceive blue as a cold color, it lowers blood pressure. We associate yellow with the sun, it is warm and uplifting.
Even the ancient Greeks noticed that light is refracted into different colors. Pilgrims connected associatively to the color that they thought would heal them. In ancient China, they were also aware of the possibilities of color and used red silk to treat anthrax. There are many schools of color therapy nowadays. It is clear that red affects on a physical level; yellow - of the mind; the gray - of the emotional state.
The colors that a person prefers indicate their current state and those that they do not like - the reasons that cause wrong decisions. Gray color is preferred by people who like to relax and workaholics avoid it.
Anyone can conduct an interesting test by thinking of three colors. The first shows the current state at the level of emotions. The second speaks about the personality and the third is an indicator of relationships with others. Here are the characteristics of all the colors.
White color

The color white is a symbol of perfection and completeness. It speaks of complete freedom of personal possibilities and removal of all obstacles on the way. It embodies the notion of equality, as it does not so much show an absence of color as it demonstrates the presence of all colors. It inspires, symbolizes faith and helps.
It is associated with peace and harmony. African priests offered the gods white animals as a gift to demonstrate peace with them. The home is painted white so that there are no conflicts, whoever enters leaves the evil outside.
In Christian beliefs, it is a symbol of purity, faith and truth.
The white color is a symbol of salvation. In hospitals, the gowns are white to suggest not only the sterile cleanliness that is needed, but also to symbolize the salvation of the patient. The color is associated with endocrine glands and vision.
The person who chooses it seeks to escape from problems.
Black color
Black hides what it carries. It is the color of mystery and finds a place in psychological films. It arouses our curiosity, frightens and attracts at the same time. It challenges humans to release their essence, to pass through the black, in order to see the white.
Black is chosen in depressions, then only negativism remains from it. Similar is the feeling of death, which is a hint of silence and peace.
On the African continent, carrying a black bird as a sacrificial animal is a request for rain to the forces of nature. Black marks on the body symbolize death.
From black, one should slowly move to another color, diluting it with the others.
When black and white are placed next to each other, they cancel out each other's power. Black clothing is chosen for depression and as a sign of rejection of the people around. It is also a symbol of mourning.
Gray color

The gray color combines the two opposites - white and black. The goal of this balancing is stability as well as harmony. It gives rise to associations of loneliness, as it is a color boundary between white and black.
People who prefer the color gray do not believe that emotions can solve important issues. Therefore, these people are emotionally very restrained and measured.
Gray stabilizes the surrounding space, but creates a sense of disunity, because it is associated with sadness and melancholy. In a negative aspect, it is associated with old age, diseases, lack of wealth - not only of material values, but also of spirituality. In a positive aspect, it evokes a feeling of confidence and strength.
Those who dress in gray are people with aspirations to find the perfect feelings that will bring them the harmony they seek. It empowers the weak and vulnerable. Gray clothes calm the nerves and in case of a nervous breakdown it is good to bet on it.
Silver color
The silver color can be defined as durable. It eases agitation and removes emotional stiffness. It can penetrate anywhere and settle disputes.
Its negative meaning is associated with an inability to make decisions, with illusion. It is associated with the Moon and the lunar path. This is the color of people who do not like to take responsibility.
In mythology and esotericism, the silver thread is what connects the soul to the body. With death, it breaks and the spirit leaves its physical shell forever.
The silver color is healing. It calms the nervous system, normalizes the functions of the glands and is beneficial for kidney functions.
Red color

Red is a symbol of strength, power and the will to win. It is the color of winners, of dynamic personalities, because it creates energy. Its lovers are always in the forefront, but also have strong destructive qualities.
It is the color of passion and is worn by people with a similar soul journey. It is impulsive and active, inspiring and associated with victory. It is the reformer, but also the destroyer of the old.
The color red drives sexuality and pushes for closeness, even in the absence of sexual attraction.
In mythological systems, the color is used a lot. The God of War is dressed in red clothes. For the Crusader Knights, it means love for God, but it also symbolizes rage and cruelty in battle. In Christianity, it is associated with magnificence, but also with much spilled blood.
The color red supports the functions of the glands, increases adrenaline, raises the body temperature, strengthens the elasticity of joints and muscles. It is also related to reproductive processes.
Pink color
Pink is associated with romance, kindness and love. Causes a feeling of comfort; soothes; removes intrusive thoughts; helps in times of crisis. It likes sensitive people. They are bright personalities, but very adamant at times.
Yellow color
It is a color associated with the mind. There are no barriers for it, because it is very flexible, improves the condition and sharpens thought processes. Under the influence of yellow, people make quick decisions and implement them instantly. He who loves yellow, hates fools. This is the color of people with high personal esteem. Therefore, yellow evokes associations of resourcefulness and originality.
Those who wear yellow clothes strive for inner harmony, seek salvation from unpleasant moments. These are the worshipers of free relationships, without responsibilities.
Orange color

It's a soft, warm, sensual color. It evokes associations with the need for self-affirmation. Orange is the color of the sunset. It brings cheerfulness and is associated with the joys of life.
It is the color of people with strong emotions, glamorous and multifaceted personalities that attract the eye.
Orange strengthens the will; supports sexuality; regulates metabolism; improves blood circulation and skin color. It is considered a very good color in psychotherapy.
Green color
Green color is obtained by merging yellow and blue. They complement each other. Therefore, the positivism of yellow is embedded in green, but there is no hint of calmness in it, but of inner tension. This color is a reflection of self-esteem. It is also a symbol of new beginnings, as green is the color of spring, when new life is born.
Lovers of the green color know how to see all sides of any situation and assess the chance of a good outcome. They are able to work, smile, but are not inclined to reveal their inner world to others.
Green neutralizes other colors, brings peace and helps to make the right decisions. It is very suitable for claustrophobia.
Blue color

This color is for people who reflect on life and seek the truth. It means perseverance, persistence and devotion. This is the color of those who love order and discipline.
In ancient Egypt, the interior of the temples was painted blue, the sacred scarab was also blue.
The color blue regulates the nervous system and is ideal for people who are under stress because it tames emotional states and blood pressure.
It is preferred by those who seek harmonious relations with the world and within themselves.
Brown color
Brown means vitality. It is suitable for people who are looking for physical peace and rest.
Brown soothes anxieties. It has a good effect on nervous breakdowns. It is not liked by emphatic individualists.