Mysticism and Mysteries

Mysticism and Mysteries

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Importance of Netsuke FiguresImportance of Netsuke Figures
07 Jan.
Netske are small, symbolic figures, cut out mostly of ivory or wood. Katabori is the oldest type of netske, and depict the figures of animals and humans.
King of RatsKing of Rats
07 Jan.
Very little about it is known, but during the Middle Ages it was famous - the mysterious king of rats. This is not fiction or mystification, there is evidence that it exists.
If you hear voices, reduce the coffeeIf you hear voices, reduce the coffee
07 Jan.
Excess caffeine drinks can bring you to the state in which you hear different voices in your head. Besides hearing voices, excess caffeine may cause hallucinations.
Yellow candles help with loveYellow candles help with love
06 Jan.
Candles are good helpers that help not only to adorn the interior of the house, but also clear the house of negative energy.
Blavatsky PredictionsBlavatsky Predictions
05 Jan.
The Secret Doctrine of Blavatsky describes the emergence of a new kind of people - people from the sixth race. The moon is far older than the Earth, and Earth owes its existence to her.
Stonehenge is designed for a sound illusionStonehenge is designed for a sound illusion
05 Jan.
Until today, it is still not clear what the purpose of the construction of Stonehenge was. However, it is possible that Stonehenge was built as an attempt to emulate sound illusions.
Feng Shui charms make New Year come trueFeng Shui charms make New Year come true
31 Dec.
If, before the New Year, you put somewhere in your home a trophy or other figure of a bat, it will bring luck and wealth in the next year.
Ying and Yang factsYing and Yang facts
30 Dec.
In practicing Feng Shui, one believes that everything must be in a state of balance. Ying and Yang are the two opposite energies that complement each other when in perfect balance.
Ying and Yang working with natureYing and Yang working with nature
30 Dec.
The energies of Yin and Yang also depend on the different moon phases. The elements of Ying and Yang also depend greatly on the season.
Strongest love spellsStrongest love spells
15 Dec.
Strong magic for love and happiness is made by Africans using attributes, concentrating energy upon your desires and therefore, these were its vectors.
Pineapples and apples make powerful talismansPineapples and apples make powerful talismans
14 Dec.
An amulet in the form of a pineapple is ideal for creative people and for people who need creativity to work better. A small silver pineapple helps to promote business.
Read people by their voicesRead people by their voices
10 Dec.
The voice of a person tells about certain traits of their character. From how person talks, we can make many conclusions about their true nature.
Omens from WildlifeOmens from Wildlife
10 Dec.
There are many signs associated with wild animals and birds and even insects. There are many signs associated with storks.