»Choosen Collections»Beliefs and Superstitions Elizabethan era
The Superstitions of the Elizabethan EraElizabethan era had some superstitions that still exist in today modern world. Some believe they are irrational beliefs while others indulge....
Most Popular Beliefs and Superstitions about Meteors
Another very popular belief around the world is that the person should wish for something when they see a shooting star and that their wish will...
Beliefs and cats
"According to Japanese belief if greeting a cat when sneezing, a whole year after they would not have problems with teeth....
Geminids and Beliefs about Meteors
They believed that meteors were carriers of sinister forces and harbingers of wars, diseases and hardship....
Beliefs and Real Stories About Comets and Asteroidsa lack of vital ingredients, such as salt, fish and rice....
Edgar Cayce, Reincarnation, Beliefs and Readings
However before 1923 Edgar Cayce had not been known for his strong beliefs in reincarnation....
Folk Beliefs about Salt and Sugar
According to folk beliefs, salt and sugar can be used to predict future events. Using them we can purge our home of negative influences....
Superstitions about babies, animals and love
There are many folk beliefs and superstitions related to babies, love, money and animals....
German Superstitions about Good Luck and Wealth
Near 1/4 of all Germans practice various superstitions for attracting good luck and wealth, reveals a study from the Allensbach Institute....
Traditional beliefs and Feng Shui explanations for them
Many beliefs and superstitions have reached us through the centuries....
What are the Superstitions about Comets and Asteroids?
They lie at the core of many superstitions and significant historical events....
Beliefs about Spiders
Such as beliefs about spiders, for example.
Ever since ancient times, spiders have been a source of superstitions and prejudices....
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