Superstitions, beliefs, traditions and customs from Bulgaria and the world. The unusual and strange beliefs in different cultures have survived to this day. When traditions command and the gods are silent.
The shape of the dishes is of particular importance when it comes to their extraordinary properties. For example, round plates shield food from negative energy and help it retain its healthy properties.
Snow White and Santa Claus are a classic duo that bring joy to young and old alike with presents around the holidays. Although the origins of the image of Santa Claus are familiar to most, few know how Snow White came to be.
The upcoming 2018 falls under the patronage of the Yellow Earth Dog according to the Eastern calendar. To attract luck and success to your life, it would be wise to follow several guidelines.
In ancient times, children didn't go around from home to home on Halloween to collect candy. Quite the contrary - they would hide in the cellar alongside their parents in terror.
Never stand in front of a mirror when you're upset or are angry at someone. The negativism you radiate will come back at you and devastate with even greater force.
If you feel that you're picking up sounds from farther away than usual, expect rainy and windy weather. Tomorrow will likely bring rain and a southern wind if objects far away feel as if they're somehow closer.
The first leprechauns were said to wear red coats with a gold decoration. Unlike their modern interpretation, they did not have green cylinder hats and orange beards, instead they had pointed red hats and dark or whitish beards.
Typically, we all wish each other happiness, luck, love and money for the New Year. To make these wishes come true, each country has its own rituals that its citizens carry out on New Year's Eve.
In their search for the best possible way to live, Greek philosophers from Antiquity argued over the benefits of hedonism and epicureanism. Hedonism sees happiness itself as the main precursor to achieving pleasure and stopping pain.
Don't change your job - consider your actions very carefully during a leap year because they are fateful and if hurried, you will long regret your decision afterwards.
Your luck is guaranteed if you hug and kiss those you truly love right at midnight. However, it's best to say cheers from a distance to those you don't like.