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Snakes eat their offspring. They practice postpartum cannibalism. Mother snakes eat more than 10 percent of their eggs, as well as some of their hatchlings.
Place 3 chestnuts in front of your computer monitor. You will notice them shrink much faster than normal. This is because chestnuts filter the damaging electromagnetic radiation.
Each flower has its own special qualities. For example, the daisy is suitable for love divination. Lilacs will help you find out whether what you want to come true and is important to you will indeed come to pass.
You can find out whether a person is mentally ill by analyzing their speech. Scientists guarantee this to be true, having analyzed the speech patterns of convicted killers, who told of the crimes they committed, reports LiveScience.
A study done by scientists from a California university has led to the conclusion that the more curious a person is, the lower their chance of suffering from memory problems later on in life.
According to astrology, 2015 will be the year of Saturn and many of the zodiac signs will have to pay off a heavy karmic debt, so be cautious with your actions this year.
Dogwood is used as a magical tree, which brings hope, health, long life and luck to the home. Long ago, the most durable weapons were made from dogwood.
The choice of profession is one of the actions by which fate teaches us a lesson for the mistakes we've made in a past life. Our current job is a spiritual test in which we must free ourselves from bad karma.
The colors we surround ourselves with can reveal a great deal about our character. Our favorite colors show our strengths and weaknesses, as well as our hidden fears.
It's as if our bodies were not made for life on this planet. The human skeletal system deteriorates incredibly fast - something that is not seen in any other animal species. We are also assailed by diseases that do not affect animals.
To save ourselves from trouble, we need to take into consideration the phase of the moon whenever we intend to begin a diet, have beauty treatments, cleanse our body, whenever we start remodeling at home and even when undergoing medical procedures.
The Gorgons were creatures born of the love between the sea deities Keto and Phorcys. Homer only mentions one Gorgon, while Hesiod wrote of 3 sisters, whose names were Stheno, Euryale and Medusa.