The British and Americans believe in ghosts and the supernatural more and more, writes the "Daily Mirror". An inquiry in Google proves this - it turns out that the word "ghost" is being searched daily. As well, it is being used quite often in Twitter.
Based on the information, every day in Great Britain someone claims to have seen some sort of ghost and even to have caught it on camera.
It is thought that the belief in the supernatural has reached its peak due to the upcoming Halloween holiday, which is at the end of October.
In the period between 2006 and 2009, searches of the word "ghost" dropped significantly, writes the newspaper further. Members of the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP) however, claim that the interest in ghost stories has risen by an entire 12 points recently.
The experts from this association held a survey among Britons. According to the results, 20% of those surveyed claim that they've had some type of paranormal experience. It also turns out that the subject of life after death has become increasingly popular lately - there is increased interest in this regard in Twitter.
In the past 30 days there have been 735 000 tweets containing the phrase "haunted by ghosts" and 1 million instances of use of the word "ghost". In the US, Google has registered a high number of searches of these words.

The interest in paranormal phenomena is remarkably high and it is expected that people's curiosity of the topic will be immense even after Halloween.
For Halloween, kids and even adults dress up in scary costumes and make Jack-o'-lanterns. They walk around the neighborhood, asking neighbors for treats. If they don't receive any treats, the kids warn that they will "trick" them.
And in keeping with the spirit of the supernatural, a town in the US, which is claimed to be haunted by ghosts, is going up for auction.
The town, a 62-acre property in Connecticut will be available with a starting bid of $800 000. It contains a wooden dam, historical buildings, a chapel and other structures. The end of the auction is on October 30.