Snakes have no ears but to make up for it have excellent eyesight. They have no nose either but have the extraordinary ability to sense smells. The fangs of poisonous snakes are considered to be one of the most precise biological weapons systems found in nature.
To determine how a kingsnake can swallow a snake longer than itself, a team from the University of Toronto filmed it on camera.
The kingsnake attacks its victim with lightning speed, then contracts its body like an accordion, to swallow the food. Next, it regurgitates part of the victim it does not eat.
Snakes eat their offspring. They practice postpartum cannibalism. Mothers eat more than 10% of their eggs, as well as some of their hatchlings. That is how the female snake recovers, her body exhausted from the hunger she felt while incubating the eggs.
Flying snakes (Chrysopelea), as their name suggests, are capable of flight. Whenever it wants to move from one tree to another, it pushes itself from the tree and glides through the air.

Adult pythons can survive 2-3 months without food. Whenever they eat, they don't leave anything to waste. They are adapted to absorb the calcium from the bones of their victims, making their food even more precious.
Thus, pythons prepare for the possibility of long periods of hunger, by storing huge amounts of nutrients.
Cobras don't spit, they contract their muscles and squeeze the gland which produces poison. This allows the cobra to spray its poison up to 6.5 ft (2 m).
If the poison ends up in the human eye, the neurotoxins in it will cause blindness. The cobra's poison doesn't come out in a spurt, but rather in a type of geometric pattern, making it capable of spraying both eyes of a human simultaneously.