The interpretation of dreams dates back to ancient times. In the past, dreams were thought to be messages from God, filled with prophecies and warnings. But what exactly they mean? Learn on this page.
According to modern psychology, recurring dreams signify something very important to us. The subconscious uses the method of repetition to imprint some truly crucial message in our conscious.
An angel with large outspread wings is a sign of upcoming good news. Oftentimes, an angel appears in a dream to help you resolve some type of serious problem.
If you dream of falling off a cliff, this means that you will face a serious danger and experience a great sense of fear. If you manage to hold on to the edge of the cliff, a horrible misfortune will pass you by.
If the color black is predominant in your dream, this symbolizes uncertainty, danger, a secret, death, hatred and malice. The color white in a dream suggests that you want to hide something even from the people closest to you but you don't know how.
Whenever you dream of a breakup with your beloved, this means that in reality both of you will be together for quite a long time. Your relationship will be incredibly strong and nothing will get in its way. The chance for marriage in due time is high.
Venus symbolizes the emotional side of a person. Dreams on the night going into Friday are closely linked to the emotions and events in your personal life. They are a reflection of your concealed feelings.
A dynamic dream in which the events change quickly is considered a good sign for improving the situation in which you find yourself in at the moment. Even if your dream seems way too confusing and illogical, immediately write down the key moments.
The dreams we see on Friday night show us what we need to give up on and what decision to make. On Friday night, we can see fragments of our future, as well as the future of people who are important to us.
The aggressive nature of the dreams going into Tuesday are evidence of your readiness toward decisive actions, which you have postponed for one reason or another. Dreams going into Tuesday can be a serious sign of drastic changes in your life.
If you see an empty aquarium in your dream, this signifies that there is a serious meeting with friends to come, where you will meet a person important to you.
If, in Sunday night dreams you see fire, flames, or a volcano, this is a sign of drastic changes to come, which will affect your way of life. But these problems are not related to anything fatal, so rest easy in that regard.