According to the experts, people who dream of how they are killing someone harbor a hidden aggression and hostility. Very often, they are introverted personalities, who have a difficult time making new contacts.
The British study examined the link between lucid dreaming and insight for the first time. However, those who actually manage to realize that they are dreaming during a dream are a small minority.
To change your life, you need to try to change your routine. Try not to eat before going to bed and fall sleep on an empty stomach for a whole week. This will change your dreams.
Participants, who took part in an experiment were left to sleep in a room full of roses and afterwards admitted that they experienced pleasant emotions in their dreams. The smell of rotten eggs had the complete opposite effect, no surprise there.
Hypnosis is a condition in which a person falls into a trance. Hypnosis is like exercise and vitamins for your mind. Hypnosis is an effective tool when used properly, to make any change that can be imagined.
If every 7 days you change the location of your pillow, then this will help you remember your dreams. It gives the biggest chance to dream of something prophetic.