The experts have found that turning off all electronic devices an hour before bed, a warm relaxing beverage and meditation, as well as sleeping in a cool area are vitally important for achieving better quality sleep.
Getting a good night's sleep every night is crucial in allowing our body to cleanse itself of as many of the toxins it has accumulated throughout the day as possible.
Eating right is important for getting quality sleep. It's never good to go to bed hungry but it's even worse to go to bed after stuffing yourself silly. Don't start any serious discussions and don't get into debates before going to bed.
The experts are adamant that there is a direct link between what we eat and the quality of our sleep during the night - and not just dinner but all of the food we eat throughout the day.
The best quality sleep is between midnight and 7 in the morning for adults, the study says. Experts add also that to prepare for sleep you need at least 1 hour, which is why the ideal time for going to bed is around 11 PM.
The benefits of an afternoon nap are indisputable. Scientists confirm this by pointing to the fact that thanks to it, the human body gets a sort of restart during the stressful and hectic day.
The best position is sleeping on your back. This is good for preventing back and neck pains, reduces wrinkles and is beneficial for preserving the shape of your breasts.
For a healthy good night's sleep, eat food rich in magnesium and vitamin B6, since they have an effect on the central nervous system. If the levels of magnesium in the body are low, a person becomes more susceptible to stress.
Nearly 9000 people participated in the study, and the results of it showed that people aged between 50 and 64 that sleep more than 7 hours a day have problems with memory and decision-making.
Researchers from New York University have proven that a good sleep during the night really does stimulate the brain because that's when nerve cells are built, which help with learning.
It turns out that people with established habits of getting up early in the morning have a more attractive body shape, their health is up to par and they are happier in general.
A morning shower is a way to correctly distribute the electric charge along your body. The Earth's surface has a negative charge and the feet become negatively charged, while the head, due to breathing positively charged air, becomes positively charged.
It has been proven in many studies that an afternoon snooze has its health benefits for the body and quality of life, but the inability for us to control its duration can make us sick and lead to a fatal outcome.