If you see a pregnant woman in your dream, this portends a stabilization of your financial situation. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant, passionate love awaits her.
If an elderly woman dreams that she is pregnant, this portends trouble. If a married woman dreams that she is pregnant, a serious quarrel with her husband is ahead.
If a pregnant woman dreams that she is pregnant, it means that the birth will go very easily. If in a dream a woman is pregnant and knows when she will give birth, it means that she should expect pleasant changes in her life. The dream should not frighten her. Good days will come for her. She should be filled with good emotions and pleasant vibrations. The best is yet to come!
If, in addition, she knows the gender of the future child in her dream and if it is a girl, this means a pleasant surprise soon and if it will be a boy, this portends a lot of work without much success. Difficult days are coming.

When a woman dreams that she is pregnant, it may mean that she will soon have her old plans fulfilled. If you have some secret that you are trying to hide even from your loved ones, a pregnant woman in a dream portends that your secret will soon be revealed.
If you want to understand something important, a pregnant woman in a dream portends that you will soon discover the truth about what interests you.
If a woman dreams that she is pregnant, but does not want to hold the child, it means that troubles are ahead for which she will not be prepared.
If a man dreams that he is a pregnant woman, this portends trouble in real life, he will find that one of his friends is trying to cause him trouble.
If a recently married man sees his wife pregnant in a dream, it means that she will indeed become pregnant in the near future and the pregnancy will pass very easily.
If you dream of a very beautiful pregnant woman, this portends serious financial success, but you will have to work hard for it. If the pregnant woman in your dream is ugly, this portends serious problems related to work.
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