Some dreams are prophetic and in order to find out whether a particular dream is one of these, take into consideration the day of the week you dreamed it. Each day is ruled over by a different celestial object, with the Moon ruling over Monday.
Dreams on the night of Sunday going into Monday essentially reveal your emotional state, your personal and career problems, which are troubling you at the time.
But whenever a dream is loaded with problems from everyday life, it must not be seen as prophetic, since it is simply a reflection of your own worries.
Dreams on the night of Sunday going into Monday are rarely prophetic unless we're talking about a dream that has reoccurred the past several nights. The most important factor that must be taken into consideration of a Sunday night dream is its length.
If a dream on Sunday night was short and you did not notice anything in particular, this is a good sign, not portending any significant changes in the days to come. A short dream going into Monday is a sign of a week without any bumps.

But if a dream going on Monday was fairly long with easily rememberable details, this marks a difficult start of the week. You need to be prepared to deal with family problems, as well as those related to work.
Sunday night dreams rarely have supernatural aspects or special symbols. But if dreams on those nights have something to do with water, expect a lot of work related to the home.
If, in Sunday night dreams you see fire, flames, or a volcano, this is a sign of drastic changes to come, which will affect your way of life. But these problems are not related to anything fatal, so rest easy in that regard.
Pay close notice to the emotions you felt during your dream on Sunday night. If you felt happy and did not sense any worries, you will easily deal with the problems in the coming week.
But if in your dream you felt fright, anger or disappointment, you will have a difficult week.