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Passion Week Before EasterPassion Week Before Easter
06 Apr.
It takes a prime spot in the church calendar of the Eastern and Western Christian churches. Passion Week begins on Monday....
Beliefs about SpidersBeliefs about Spiders
30 June
Our beliefs have melded with our everyday lives and surround us at any given moment. It is fascinating however, when looking at them separately. Such as beliefs about spiders, for example....
Beliefs and catsBeliefs and cats
22 Nov.
"According to Japanese belief if greeting a cat when sneezing, a whole year after they would not have problems with teeth....
Beliefs about Broken ObjectsBeliefs about Broken Objects
27 Jan.
Broken objects always bring bad luck - this unifies all beliefs pertaining to usable items that have been broken. One of the oldest beliefs goes that if you break a mirror you will have 7 years of bad luck....
Beliefs about Wearing a CrossBeliefs about Wearing a Cross
22 Oct.
Besides protecting us however, the relic can also warn of dangers, according to beliefs. According to folk beliefs, the cross can be an indicator of the mental condition of the person wearing it....
Folk Beliefs for Attracting MoneyFolk Beliefs for Attracting Money
04 Jan.
There are dozens of folk beliefs for attracting money at home, which our ancestors strictly followed....
The Peculiar Beliefs of ItaliansThe Peculiar Beliefs of Italians
16 Nov.
Otherwise, the Italians believe, expect 7 years of horrible sex. Italians also believe in the evil eye, which they call malocchio....
Geminids and Beliefs about MeteorsGeminids and Beliefs about Meteors
22 Oct.
The Geminids are a meteor shower caused by an object known as 3200 Phaethon. After the celestial body "died" its parts were scattered across its elliptical orbit in the Solar System. Once the orbit of our own planet...
The Strangest Beliefs about HalloweenThe Strangest Beliefs about Halloween
31 Oct.
The observance of Halloween is also related to many strange beliefs. Here are some of the most unusual: - If a black cat crosses your path on Halloween, this is a sign of luck....
Another mystery of Easter Island is revealedAnother mystery of Easter Island is revealed
22 Sept.
The island was discovered at Easter in the year of 1722 giving the Island its name, Easter Island....
Folk Beliefs about Salt and SugarFolk Beliefs about Salt and Sugar
17 Oct.
According to folk beliefs, salt and sugar can be used to predict future events. Using them we can purge our home of negative influences....
Everyday Beliefs That Portend Something GoodEveryday Beliefs That Portend Something Good
10 Nov.
Of course, the belief only holds true if you've broken the plate or cup by accident. If 2 spoons suddenly end up in a single plate, expect a nice surprise in love....
Beliefs Related to the Christian CrossBeliefs Related to the Christian Cross
03 Apr.
The holy Christian holiday of Palm Sunday also has a belief regarding the cross....
Strangest Beliefs from Around the WorldStrangest Beliefs from Around the World
27 Oct.
The belief states that this will draw tiny demons, which will torment you. Other terrifying beliefs plague men in Nigeria....
Edgar Cayce, Reincarnation, Beliefs and ReadingsEdgar Cayce, Reincarnation, Beliefs and Readings
05 Aug.
However before 1923 Edgar Cayce had not been known for his strong beliefs in reincarnation....
Most Popular Beliefs and Superstitions about MeteorsMost Popular Beliefs and Superstitions about Meteors
26 Oct.
There exists the belief that the person needs to grab a stone whenever a shooting star passes by their field of vision....
What are the Beliefs Related to Comets?What are the Beliefs Related to Comets?
21 Oct.
For centuries, the emergence of comets has been linked to upcoming natural cataclysms and disasters, as well as various strokes of bad luck. For so long, people were afraid of these tailed stars and even the brightest thinkers...
Beliefs Foreshadowing That you`ll Soon Find LoveBeliefs Foreshadowing That you`ll Soon Find Love
03 Apr.
There's beliefs devoted to every aspect of human life and love is no exception. Here we're going to remind you of the most popular romance-related beliefs from around the world....
Are our Political Beliefs Rooted in our Genes?Are our Political Beliefs Rooted in our Genes?
13 Oct.
According to scientists from the UK's Royal Society, a person's political views are fixed in their genes. They explain that the decision of which political party (or lack of) we sympathize with is not determined so much...
Beliefs for Getting Rich from Around the WorldBeliefs for Getting Rich from Around the World
10 July
Every nationality has its own specific superstitions with which it believes it can attract money and luck to a person's life. Some of them believe in animal symbols, others in colors....
Beliefs and Real Stories About Comets and AsteroidsBeliefs and Real Stories About Comets and Asteroids
08 Oct.
The appearance of comets is thought of as a bad omen in many cultures around the world. The appearance of a comet is often seen as a sign of destructive and tragic events, which will come to pass in the near future...
Traditional beliefs and Feng Shui explanations for themTraditional beliefs and Feng Shui explanations for them
27 Dec.
Many beliefs and superstitions have reached us through the centuries. Old wives believed in luck and everything that we need to do to fulfill tradition....
Ancient Beliefs Which Science has Proven to be TrueAncient Beliefs Which Science has Proven to be True
09 Aug.
The Earth might not be flat, nor be the center of the Universe, but this doesn't mean that all the beliefs of ancient people were entirely wrong....
Yin and Yang in Numerology According to Chinese BeliefsYin and Yang in Numerology According to Chinese Beliefs
30 Apr.
According to Buddhist beliefs, each person has 3 important stages in their life, the 4th being their death. 4 corresponds to the number 13 in the Western beliefs....
The Belief in Witches Halts ProgressThe Belief in Witches Halts Progress
14 May
According to scientists, the belief in the supernatural is a way to maintain order in society but it is not the best way. The blind belief in the existence of witches unites people under the same norms of behavior....