Passion Week is here (in the Eastern Orthodox calendar)! The biggest spring Christian holiday is dedicated to the death and resurrection of Christ. It takes a prime spot in the church calendar of the Eastern and Western Christian churches.
Passion Week begins on Monday. During those days of the week, we prepare for the resurrection of the Lord and observe certain customs.
According to the stories, Jesus Christ came to the Temple in Jerusalem on Holy Tuesday and found it full of merchants. The son of God kicked them out because the temple was intended to be a house of prayer, not commerce.
Jesus preached in the temple and gave his last moral instructions. He related the parable of the Ten Virgins who were awaiting the arrival of God and made prophecies about the fate of the city of Jerusalem.
On Holy Tuesday, unwed girls walk on "silent" water. This is water coming from 3 different springs. It is called silent because until it is brought to the home, not a single word must be spoken. This type of water is considered to have healing properties. Girls wash their heads with it for their health.
On Holy Wednesday, Jesus gathers his apostles at the Last Supper. He announces that one of them will betray him. The betrayer in question is Judas. On that night going into Thursday, Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane until his betrayer arrives and captures him.

On Holy Wednesday, women must not do any kind of women's tasks. No washing, no sewing, no weaving. Children on the other hand have to collect geranium.
On Holy Thursday, after Judas betrays Jesus, his death sentence is issued, confirmed by Pontius Pilate. On this day, the woman of the house paints eggs. The first 2 need to be red.
It is best for them to be taken from the chicken nest early in the morning. The 1st one must stay under the icon until next Easter. When it comes around again, it needs to be abandoned in the first furrow of the field. The women must use the second egg to rub the cheeks of the children for their health.
Holy Friday, also called Good Friday, is the day of Jesus's great suffering - when he was splayed out on the cross, with a crown of thorns placed upon his head but before that being humiliated, scourged, cut, beaten. He was left outstretched in Golgotha between 2 criminals and died due to his wounds.
On Good Friday, everyone goes to church and walks under the kitchen table 3 times to bring good health. No one works on that day, otherwise hail will destroy the crop harvest. Girls and women knead Easter panettones.
Holy Saturday was the day of mourning and burial of Jesus Christ by his mother Saint Mary and women carrying consecrated oil. His tomb was sealed and guards placed to watch over it.