The Earth might not be flat, nor be the center of the Universe, but this doesn't mean that all the beliefs of ancient people were entirely wrong. In fact, over the past few years, modern science has proven that a number of teachings and beliefs that have become ingrained in ancient wisdom have proven to be true. Here are a few practices from the past, which have been confirmed by modern science.
Happiness and pleasure make us healthier
In their search for the best possible way to live, Greek philosophers from Antiquity argued over the benefits of hedonism and epicureanism. Hedonism sees happiness itself as the main precursor to achieving pleasure and stopping pain.
Epicureanism is related to seeking happiness, while we ponder the meaning of life. A recent study from the University of North Caroline has proven that people who feel happier and don't deprive themselves of anything (the major point of both philosophical movements) are physically healthier and live longer.
Acupuncture can restore the body's balance
Traditional Chinese medicine aims to fix the imbalances of Chi (the energy circulating within the physical boundaries of every living thing) and restore harmony to the body. A new study from a University in California recently proved that acupuncture can be an effective way of alleviating migraine, arthritis and other chronic pain.

Tai chi heals
This ancient Chinese martial art is founded on the belief that achieving balance with the mind and body creates an overall feeling of peace and harmony, thereby naturally leading to longer life. This thesis was proven in a paper by Harvard Medical School.
The paper showed that this specific meditation can help prevent and treat many age-related healthy problems. A series of studies over the past decade have shown that tai chi can be beneficial to those suffering from arthritis, low bone mass and cardiovascular problems.
Compassion is the key to a more fulfilling life
Tibetan Buddhist traditions include a practice called metta, which is a type of meditation that focus on compassion. A study by scientists from Emory University has found that compassion based on this Tibetan model can effectively raise a person's ability to feel empathy toward others.
Over time, this practice increases the positive emotions of the participants, by allowing them to find deeper meaning in their relations with others, a goal in life and to find support from others around them and improve their health.