Mysticism and Mysteries

Mysticism and Mysteries

Welcome to the great mystery information center. Explore the world of unrevealed phenomena, unexplained mysteries , mystical events or simply curious stories. Mystery entertainment, information and articles for all who like mystery and mysteries . The greatest mysteries of mankind. Short mystery stories .
Phenomenal Solar Eclipse on March 20Phenomenal Solar Eclipse on March 20
10 Mar.
On March 20 there will be a total solar eclipse, the last of its kind for the next 11 years. The total solar eclipse will be visible from the Faroe Islands, located in the North Atlantic Ocean - between Scotland and Iceland.
What is your Intellect Type?What is your Intellect Type?
09 Mar.
People possess different intellectual capabilities, including masteries of language, music, spacial orientation and other kinds - the types of intellect are 9 in total.
Why the Soul Does Not Want to Return to Earth Once it Leaves the BodyWhy the Soul Does Not Want to Return to Earth Once it Leaves the Body
06 Mar.
Once it has left the body, the soul feels free. Nothing can restrain it. Its thoughts are clear, while feelings are appeased and synchronized. The body that is left behind is nothing more than an empty husk.
Meaning and Properties of Red CoralMeaning and Properties of Red Coral
27 Feb.
For the Pueblo Indians, red coral is one of the 4 elements: corals, jet, abalone and turquoise. According to many red coral has the capability to soothe the emotions and bring inner peace.
Will the End of the World Happen Suddenly?Will the End of the World Happen Suddenly?
26 Feb.
German physicists have announced that the end of the universe as we know it is coming and that the process has already begun. The scientists are of the opinion that the end will be sudden, as the result of a great cataclysm.
How to Cast a Love SpellHow to Cast a Love Spell
24 Feb.
Spells for love can be found in almost all ancient mythologies and beliefs. Love spells fall into the category of white magic since they are often done with a pure heart and positive energy.
What the Most Common Hand Gestures MeanWhat the Most Common Hand Gestures Mean
23 Feb.
Rubbing both palms together is an indication of positive expectations. Often they express a person's impatience when they expect something good to happen to them.
A Japanese Technique with Fingers to Calm YourselfA Japanese Technique with Fingers to Calm Yourself
20 Feb.
According to one Japanese technique every person can control their emotions just by holding on to a specific finger of their hand. The Japanese believe that each one of our fingers controls an emotion.
Some Absurd Bans in Several CountriesSome Absurd Bans in Several Countries
19 Feb.
The emo style is banned in Russia. In 2008, the Russian State Duma passed a document titled Government Strategy in the Sphere of Spiritual and Ethical Education . With it, government legislators want to limit the spread of this subculture.
The Laws of KarmaThe Laws of Karma
18 Feb.
2. The Law of Creation - Life doesn't just happen, we need to make it. Surround yourself with the people and things you want present in your life.
Strange Customs in Different CountriesStrange Customs in Different Countries
18 Feb.
Tradition in Norway dictates that each senior graduate put on a red suit or tuxedo and wear it for an entire 17 days. A recent study that came out revealed that a large percentage of Irish people believe in the existence of elves and leprechauns.
Love in the Year of the Wood Goat for LeoLove in the Year of the Wood Goat for Leo
16 Feb.
The new 2015, which falls under the symbol of the wood goat, will bring Leo tense and very happy moments in the romantic aspect. Leos will rely on their secret weapons, which have never let them down - their charm and inner strength.
Love in the Year of the Wood Goat for PiscesLove in the Year of the Wood Goat for Pisces
13 Feb.
The love horoscope for 2015 knows that Pisces have suffered severely due to their own credulity and susceptibility. The year of the wood goat will change this position in favor of Pisces to a certain extent.