All about dream interpretations - find the meaning of your dream . Free online dream interpretations . Explore the world of dreams in the online dream network. Dream Analysis and Interpretation - Understand the meaning of your dreams. Great collection of dream interpretations .
Some tips you can apply if you find falling asleep difficult. Very often insomnia is due to overeating. People who have difficulty sleeping, should not worry.
There have been two main phases of sleep: Orthodox (slow) sleep and paradoxical (rapid) sleep. This is where they observed differences in the behavior of sleeping. Stages of sleep.
Students who were awakened at the beginning of a dream, but had at least 8 hours sleep, had difficulties in concentration, irritation, hallucinations and signs of psychosis after only 3 days.
If you dream of teeth, you expect serious trouble associated with diseases. If your tooth is lost from your mouth, you expect failure or unpleasant news.
Experts have concluded that large numbers of people, regardless of nationality, believe in the power of prophetic dreams, and that they predict future events. Dreams influence our decisions.
Dreaming nightmares, gets rid of unnecessary information that we have accumulated during the day. These terrible dreams are not only not harmful, but beneficial to the nervous system.
Prophetic dreams have been exciting mankind since the time of the Dark Ages. The table of chemical elements was created by Mendeleev after a prophetic dream.
Do dreams hold any meaning? Nightmares and recurring dreams aren 't a nice experience are never welcomed by us but dreams have meanings starting back from the Greek Mythology. REM phase of sleep.
Dreams of falling and being chased are the most experienced throughout the world of the dreaming people. Such dreams are provoked by stress, anxiety, unhappiness and fear.
A flying dream in most cases that of a lucid dream, a lucid dreams means we are aware that we dreaming at the time and may feel like we are literally watching ourselves from the outside. . .