

All about dream interpretations - find the meaning of your dream . Free online dream interpretations . Explore the world of dreams in the online dream network. Dream Analysis and Interpretation - Understand the meaning of your dreams. Great collection of dream interpretations .
Dreams of Fish and CrabsDreams of Fish and Crabs
16 May
If you see an empty aquarium in your dream, this signifies that there is a serious meeting with friends to come, where you will meet a person important to you.
Dreams on the Night of Sunday Going into MondayDreams on the Night of Sunday Going into Monday
15 May
If, in Sunday night dreams you see fire, flames, or a volcano, this is a sign of drastic changes to come, which will affect your way of life. But these problems are not related to anything fatal, so rest easy in that regard.
Dream Meanings According to HinduismDream Meanings According to Hinduism
14 May
Ghost: This is a very bad omen. Be ready to overcome serious challenges. Girl: All hopes will come true. A girl is a symbol of success and well-being.
Dream Meanings According to IslamDream Meanings According to Islam
14 May
It is believed that nightmares are sent by Satan and because of this Muslims call them false dreams. In the past, people were advised not to share these dreams with anyone because otherwise the bad dream might come true and cause harm.
Napping in the Afternoon Can Kill usNapping in the Afternoon Can Kill us
13 May
It has been proven in many studies that an afternoon snooze has its health benefits for the body and quality of life, but the inability for us to control its duration can make us sick and lead to a fatal outcome.
Electronic Devices are a Cause of InsomniaElectronic Devices are a Cause of Insomnia
07 May
The artificial light, which is present in the period between sundown and the point when we fall asleep, suppresses the release of the hormone of sleep - melatonin.
Dreams About HairDreams About Hair
25 Apr.
If in your dream, you put a lot of gel in your hair, this reveals your willingness to smooth out relations with a person close to you. If your hair is falling in your dream, this shows that you are depressed.
Instead of Counting Sheep, Drink Sour Cherry JuiceInstead of Counting Sheep, Drink Sour Cherry Juice
24 Apr.
The red fruits contain a high content of melatonin, the hormone of sleep. It is to it that sour cherries owe their hypnotic effect. Experts recommend sour cherry juice instead of pills, since it improves a night's rest, without causing side effects.
An Aquarium in the Bedroom Disrupts SleepAn Aquarium in the Bedroom Disrupts Sleep
17 Apr.
To sleep well, never place your bed facing a mirror. People who do sleep that way may get health problems. Do not put up chandeliers or large lamps above the bed.
A Man Went 18 Days Without SleepA Man Went 18 Days Without Sleep
16 Apr.
The ideal time needed to fall asleep is between 10 and 15 min. This means that you are plenty tired to sleep soundly throughout the night, while also not feeling sleepy throughout the day.