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Divination with 2 Dice! Find out your Future NowDivination with 2 Dice! Find out your Future Now
19 Jan.
Among the most common methods of divination is the throwing of dice....
Find out Your Future Path with This Quick Divination with CardsFind out Your Future Path with This Quick Divination with Cards
01 June
For this divination you must follow only your own personal intuition. The image above contains 6 cards. Look at them carefully for about a minute, then choose one based on your intuition....
Fateful Encounters with Animals! Find out What to ExpectFateful Encounters with Animals! Find out What to Expect
09 Feb.
It is said that an encounter with any animal is a sign that fate is sending us. All we need do is interpret it in order to find out what we should do and avoid. For example, when we see a spider outside, this is a harbinger...
Divination with FlowersDivination with Flowers
14 Oct.
For this type of divination however, you will need common lilac, not 8- or 9-petal lilac. The sunflower is also suitable for divination. Pick out 10 seeds from a bloomed sunflower....
Divination with MatchesDivination with Matches
03 Aug.
One of the easiest methods for revealing what the future has in store for you is divination using plain matches. Divination with matches is used to find out the future of your relations with a given person....
Divination with BeansDivination with Beans
20 July
In many countries, they practice bean divination. One of the most popular methods of prediction in Bosnia and Herzegovina is surely divination with beans....
Divination with WaxDivination with Wax
08 July
Divination with wax is an old-fashioned method of peering into the future. The method for divining with wax is simple but the interpretation is complex. What you need is a large candle....
Divination with MoneyDivination with Money
04 Dec.
There is a very simple method for divination with money. Open up your wallet and take out all of the bank notes, lay them out in front of you. Look at the nominal values of each of them....
Divination with needlesDivination with needles
17 Sept.
If all pins are sunk, they are not well coated with oil and you have to repeat the divination. The second method of divination is made with thirteen needles or pins. Three of them slightly bent....
You Share the Same Birthday with your Partner? Find out What Astrology SaysYou Share the Same Birthday with your Partner? Find out What Astrology Says
01 June
If you share the same birthday with your partner, it's likely you have quite similar characteristics, according to astrology. Besides never running the risk of forgetting their birthday, you'll see quite a lot of yourself...
Divination with a PetDivination with a Pet
28 July
Divination with a dog is done using 2 types of treats - meat and something sweet. Chocolate is appropriate for dogs, since these animals cannot digest desserts....
Divination with Coffee BeansDivination with Coffee Beans
26 July
If all of the beans have fallen with their crack facing down, postpone the divination for 24 hours from then. Here's the meanings of the number of coffee beans with their cracks facing up....
Love Divination with CardsLove Divination with Cards
21 July
You can use cards for divination to find out what fate has in store for you on the love front. Shuffle a deck of cards well and begin drawing them 3 at a time, forming them into a fan....
Divination with a RingDivination with a Ring
20 July
Divination with a ring has been practiced since ancient times. This ritual requires knowledge and preparation. The best day for divination with a ring is on Friday, while Monday is never appropriate....
Divination with a BookDivination with a Book
18 July
Divination using a book is seen as one of the simplest but also one of the most accurate and correct methods of predicting the future....
Divination with a MirrorDivination with a Mirror
12 July
Remember that mirror divination should only be done once every 40 days, in order for the result to be true....
Divination with a SpiderDivination with a Spider
12 Nov.
Using a plain old house spider, you can make predictions about whether your wishes will come true. All that's required is to find a spider web somewhere in your home. You can also divine using a spider that has spun its...
Love Divination with ApplesLove Divination with Apples
04 Nov.
One little-known Slavic divination ritual can be done using apples. This method can be used at any time during the year, in contrast to Christmas Eve divination and other holiday rituals....
Divination with an EggDivination with an Egg
24 Oct.
Experts in egg divination believe that by looking at the form of the egg white, fate can be predicted with maximum accuracy....
Find out What the Future has in Store for you with the Nostradamus CircleFind out What the Future has in Store for you with the Nostradamus Circle
10 Mar.
The prophecies of French seer and astrologer Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus) have gained ever wider popularity over the years. Many of them have become reality today and his circle method can allow you to see what is coming...
Find out Your Dark Side with this Simple TestFind out Your Dark Side with this Simple Test
07 Sept.
By choosing one of these popular fairytale characters, you can find the darkest side of your nature. In psychology it's called the Shadow and is considered a quality which even we are unaware of possessing. To find out...
Divination with Socks Reveals What you can Expect in LoveDivination with Socks Reveals What you can Expect in Love
12 June
Do not perform this ritual if there's strong winds or a storm outside because this may change the results of the love divination....
Find out What your Horoscope States for April 13Find out What your Horoscope States for April 13
13 Apr.
The productive part of the day is going to last until lunchtime. So be sure to finish all important tasks in the morning. Try to organize your time and give your priorities a chance. Don't waste time talking to inconsequential...
What Surprises Await you This Spring? Find out Here!What Surprises Await you This Spring? Find out Here!
03 Apr.
Spring officially began on March 21. Now well into it, the spring spirit has taken hold of us. Spring is perhaps the most beautiful season of all. Every season has its own unique charm but it's as if spring is charged...
Find out What the Stars Portend for May 26Find out What the Stars Portend for May 26
26 May
The Moon in Gemini is going to form strong aspects with Venus, Mars and Saturn today, bringing with it various ups and downs. The day is going to be an intense one and you should not avoid work. At the beginning...