A quick glance at several cards can provide you guidance as to the direction you must take in order to face less difficulties in the future. For this divination you must follow only your own personal intuition.
The image above contains 6 cards. Look at them carefully for about a minute, then choose one based on your intuition. When you do, look at the description of the corresponding card - this is the advice that fate is giving you.
Queen of Hearts - You're going to have problems in your relations with loved ones. The peaceful period will make way for serious arguments, which you won't be able to avoid. Even though this will stress and put you on edge, you have to compose yourself. Conflicts may erupt because you have to make a choice you've long been putting off.
King of Hearts - Your plans have need of an overview because some of your desires are so far flung from reality that they have no chance of ever being realized. Leave your worries behind and start to act if you'd like to achieve anything at work or on the love front.
Jack of Hearts - Your indecisiveness and hesitations have fully consumed you. You're not advised to take part in others' arguments and conflicts in the future. Focus on your own comfort and peace of mind, while forming clear goals to pursue.
Jack of Diamonds - That which you want is right in front of you but you don't see it because you're way too influenced by the opinions of others. Don't listen to others who are trying to make you think you've reached the limits of your opportunities. Dream and act more boldly and new horizons will open before you.
King of Diamonds - Your hopes have become remarkably unrealistic lately. In the future, it would be wiser to think more reasonably regarding your goals. If you'd like your dreams to come true, be more independent and don't rely solely on others' support. Trust in your own abilities in order to grow successfully.
Queens of Diamonds - Money is on the way. Several quick but not so large winnings await you in the future. Take care of yourself and go shopping because you won't have financial problems any time soon. Make decisions yourself and don't be influenced by the advice of others.