Spring officially began on March 21. Now well into it, the spring spirit has taken hold of us.
Spring is perhaps the most beautiful season of all. Every season has its own unique charm but it's as if spring is charged with a special kind of magic.
It's the time when all of nature is reborn. The sun shines, birds sing, the grass turns green, while the air smells of flowers, freshness and joy.
Spring is also the time when opportunities for travel, adventures and romance open up before us. It's why we become filled with hope and sweet excitement.
The season comes bearing a wonderful surprise for each of the signs. If you'd like to find out what joyous event you're going to face in the coming weeks, read on below. You'll definitely start smiling once you find out what the Universe has in store for you.

Leave your past love in the past. This spring you're going to have many new opportunities for flirting and affection. So stop looking back and give new experiences a chance.
Throughout the coming weeks you're going to rid yourself of the sluggishness that had engulfed you during the cold weather. A new energy is washing over you, with which you'll conquer the world.
Don't be afraid of new undertakings. This spring you simply have to part with all of your old notions and open your mind to new ideas and challenges.
Within several weeks' time you're going to hear fantastic news. You'll have to change your life but don't let these novelties stress you out.

For those born under the sign of Leo, spring is going to be a time of realization and proving themselves, both at the workplace and in their personal life. The diligence they always express will win them many supporters.
For Virgos, spring is going to be a very exciting time. They're going to warm up old friendships and conquer many new unfamiliar elements.
This spring, Libras are going to get to know themselves better, learn to listen their inner voice and their body's needs. This will help them be healthier and happier.
Don't rush to close the door on new opportunities. In the weeks to come, a friendship is going to grow into something thrilling, as long as you forget your prejudices.
Spring is going to drive you to seek new adventures. You may find a new hobby and expand your circle of friends.

This spring you're going to obtain the body of your dreams. The warming weather will inspire you to exercise more and eat healthier. The effects will soon be evident.
Spring starts off incredibly positive for you. Your good mood follows you everywhere and you reap success after success with a smile.
Your spring is going to be beautiful, romantic and unforgettable. Someone is going to try to warm your soul and grant you the most wonderful moments of all.