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Discovered, the mummy of Queen SesheshetDiscovered, the mummy of Queen Sesheshet
08 Dec.
Archaeologists have discovered apart of the mummy which implies that it belongs to Queen Sesheshet. The Queen ruled the Egyptian empire 4, 300 years ago....
The Drama Queen Signs of the ZodiacThe Drama Queen Signs of the Zodiac
19 Sept.
The most outspoken drama queen, representative of Virgo, was Cardinal Richelieu....
Queen Nefertiti, from birth to her death bedQueen Nefertiti, from birth to her death bed
05 Aug.
1370 B.C was the year that saw Queen Neferiti be born into the world. Her name translated from Egyptian means the beautiful on has come. A kingdom in Mesopotamia held a king and queen, (Tushratta and Juni)....
Spirit of Queen Anne in the London Tower CastleSpirit of Queen Anne in the London Tower Castle
13 Jan.
On the eve of the queen's death, her spirit appears in the Tower....
Tomb of Egyptian Queen Portends the End of the WorldTomb of Egyptian Queen Portends the End of the World
15 Feb.
The tomb of queen Khentkaus III was uncovered at the end of last year and the analysis of the remains in it recently concluded....
The Greatest Warrior Women, who Crushed EmpiresThe Greatest Warrior Women, who Crushed Empires
09 June
Queen Tamar of Georgia Tamar took the crown of Georgia in 1184....
Divination on your birthdayDivination on your birthday
28 July
Queen of Spades means illness for a woman who brings you bad luck. Queen of hearts – you will receive support from a dark-haired man. Queen of Diamonds - your financial situation will stabilize....
Nubian Pyramids - a worthy competitor to the EgyptianNubian Pyramids - a worthy competitor to the Egyptian
22 Jan.
The cemetery contains the graves of three kings, Arikakaman being Yesruvaman two of them and six queens....
Love Divination with CardsLove Divination with Cards
21 July
If there is another queen or king right between that king or queen, problems in love await them. If there is a 9 or 10 of spades around the queen, this means that the relationship is at its end....
Sinister Female GhostsSinister Female Ghosts
10 June
Summoning the Queen of Spades is a huge risk because she can physically harm the person....
Find out Your Future Path with This Quick Divination with CardsFind out Your Future Path with This Quick Divination with Cards
01 June
Queen of Hearts - You're going to have problems in your relations with loved ones. The peaceful period will make way for serious arguments, which you won't be able to avoid....
Another Method for Love Divination with CardsAnother Method for Love Divination with Cards
29 July
Spades - signs of intense passion Ace - a night of passion King - a mysterious man Queen - a female rival Jack - a young man, who seeks only flings 10 - hidden intentions 9 - loneliness 8 - sex 7 - tears 6 -...
Myths, Legends and Facts about the MoonMyths, Legends and Facts about the Moon
12 Sept.
The queen allowed the Galaxy king to keep her necklace. The diamond became the moon of the galaxy shining in the dark nights, the queen kept her necklace as she spoke we can see the moon!...
The Lost Roanoke ColonyThe Lost Roanoke Colony
27 Sept.
In honor of the queen, the surveyed land was named Virginia (the Queen was a virgin)....
The Most Famous Male Prostitutes in HistoryThe Most Famous Male Prostitutes in History
22 Apr.
His good days came to end after his attempt to remove the heir apparent (not without the approval of the Queen Mother) failed. Lao Ai was captured and executed....
The Solomonic Dynasty - Millennial Rulers of the EastThe Solomonic Dynasty - Millennial Rulers of the East
15 Dec.
Legends go that it was King Solomon of Israel and the Queen of Sheba who marked the beginning of the dynasty. The almighty queen gave birth to the first representative of the dynasty after her visit to Jerusalem....
Exaggerated the beauty of Nefertiti?Exaggerated the beauty of Nefertiti?
15 Dec.
Courtiers sculptor, sculpted the famous bust of the Egyptian queen, probably smoothed the wrinkles around the mouth and crooked her nose, to present her more beautiful....
Discovered the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony?Discovered the tomb of Cleopatra and Mark Antony?
31 Oct.
Marc Anthony committed suicide a little earlier and died at the hands of the queen....
Beliefs about SpidersBeliefs about Spiders
30 June
The Japanese, in turn, believe that the Spider Queen sets traps for unsuspecting travelers, while the Native American Pueblo people consider the Spider Queen to be the creator of the universe....
Nefertiti, disastrous end or new beginning?Nefertiti, disastrous end or new beginning?
25 Dec.
Probably, that idea is made after the death of the queen, because such was the custom at that time to make such objects the process of mummification....
The Most Evil Women in HistoryThe Most Evil Women in History
27 Jan.
Queen Mary I (1516 - 1558) Queen Mary I was the only child of King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon to survive past her 1st birthday....
Amazons, myth or truth?Amazons, myth or truth?
10 Oct.
Some biographers of Alexander the Great tell of his acquaintance with the Queen of the Amazons named Talestris. It is even argued that they had a child....
Mummy of Nefertiti foundMummy of Nefertiti found
04 Oct.
Bab Partridge magazine "Ancient Egypt ", claims that it was possible for Queen Nefertiti to buried there, she which was co-manager of Egypt between 1379 and 1358 BC and herself and tomb have never been discovered....
The False Myths About the Life of CleopatraThe False Myths About the Life of Cleopatra
30 Nov.
After this, the queen married her other brother Ptolemy XIV, who died mysteriously. Even though unproven, today it's still believed that she ordered him poisoned....
Millennia-Old Mummy Discovered in LuxorMillennia-Old Mummy Discovered in Luxor
16 Nov.
Not far from this new find also lies the tomb of the quartermaster serving under Queen Hatshepsut....