When we think of great generals throughout history, we tend to always think of men. This is due to a great extent to the low status of women in past centuries, which prevented them from playing a significant role in society.
But history remembers women who, through the fiery nature of their character, have broken this stereotype and have earned their spot in the chronicles. We're talking about representatives of the fairer sex who don't mess around - their determination and abilities even surpass those of famous male warriors in history.
Below you'll read about 2 women who succeeded in ending nearly a millennium of slavery and gave freedom back to their people. The annals also tell of a queen who crushed Roman legions without blinking an eye. Read on about the greatest warrior women in history.
1. Queen Gudit
Gudit lived during the 10th century, a Beta Israel ruler in Ethiopia. She took control of her kingdom after single-handedly murdering her husband while he sat on his throne. She became remembered for her hatred of the Christian religion. During the year 960, Gudit spearheaded a campaign which completely eradicated the last Christian kingdom in Africa - Axum. Her warriors lay waste to monuments and churches.
The queen personally participated in the routs. Her reign lasted 40 years and was marked by unseen terror, her main goal being to wipe out all members of the Solomonic dynasty (descendants of the Queen of Sheba). Even today, in Northern Ethiopia, parents tell stories of Gudit to frighten children.
2. Boudica

Boudica was the ruler of the Celtic kingdom of Norfolk, located in what is Eastern England today. In the year 60 AD, she led an uprising against the Roman Empire, killing 70 000 Romans with her army in vicious battle. The insurrection (60 - 61 AD) was eventually quelled and Boudica committed suicide. The Romans never forgot her reddish hair and feared red-haired women for a long time to come.
3. The Trung Sisters
The Trung sisters are considered national heroes in Vietnam. In the 1st century AD, the two sisters led a rebellion to end their people's nearly one-thousand-year-long slavery at the hands of the Chinese. They succeeded in crushing the Chinese legions and found their own kingdom in Northern and Central Vietnam.
The legends about them state that they were fearless warriors. They went into battle completely naked, in order to shame the enemy warriors. Ultimately, after 2 decades of fighting with China, the Trung dynasty was toppled. The sisters committed suicide, to avoid being captured alive, which was what the Chinese emperor dreamed of.
4. Queen Zenobia

Zenobia ruled the city of Palmyra, today's Syria, in the 3rd century AD. In 250, she personally led a revolt against Rome, defeated all legions sent against her and conquered large areas of Asia Minor, Syria and Armenia. She proclaimed herself queen of Egypt, claiming to be a descendant of Cleopatra.
It took Rome 25 years go overthrow Zenobia. She was put in golden chains and paraded through the streets of the great city. Then she was exiled to a villa in the outskirts of the capital but continued to hold influence until the end of her life with a series of convoluted plots.
5. Queen Tamar of Georgia
Tamar took the crown of Georgia in 1184. Her unbelievable inner fervor, fearlessness and battlefield success quickly earned her the nickname "Queen of Queens and King of Kings" - a title by which all surrounding rulers referred to her. During her reign, Georgia reached its territorial peak, vanquishing all neighboring Muslim countries and conquering a large portion of what would become today's Turkey, all of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Tamar participated in most of her army's battles. Today she is considered a saint.