Analysis of the tomb of Khentkaus III, wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Neferefre, reveals the cataclysms that destroyed the Egyptian kingdom and that are happening again today.
The Czech university team that discovered and studied the tomb says that the messages found provide undeniable evidence about the upcoming Apocalypse.
The tomb of queen Khentkaus III was uncovered at the end of last year and the analysis of the remains in it recently concluded.
Data from the research indicate that the era of the Old Kingdom of Egypt underwent countless changes. Ever larger groups of the populace began rising up against the authority of the pharaohs, leading to the absence of a seasonal harvest and harsher levies than usual.
The theory is that we'll be facing troubles and disasters because scientists are finding dire similarities between our present and the way of life 4500 years ago.

Researchers explain that during the time of Khentkaus III, Egypt was in its heyday, but just 2 centuries after her death drastic climate changes began, which lead to the country's slow, inevitable downfall.
Experts add that this may happen once again in the near future, pointing to the current climate changes.
"If we accept collapse as a fact, we will understand collapses as being a part of the natural course of things, and one of the needed steps in the process leading towards 'resurrection'. Then, we shall be able to do something about it, " Professor Miroslav Barta, head of the study, told CNN.
In his statement, Professor Barta also said that modern man has grown ever more complacent with the development of technology and forgets that history offers lessons we can learn as well.
The skull of the buried queen was cracked but scientists are sure that she was not murdered. Her skull was most likely hit by grave robbers raiding the tomb.
Besides the remains of the royal family, archaeologists have also found ancient artifacts, such as ceramic containers.