»Dream Dictionary»King and Queen Dream Interpetation
King, Queen, KingdomTo dream that you are a king or queen , suggests that success alone will come to you.......
KingsTo dream of kings , means you will be happy with your family.......
QueueTo dream of a long queue , suggests that you will suffer damage and injury.......
Horse and StableTo dream of a red horse, suggests you have glory and honor.......
Hide and seekTo dream that see the game of hide - and - seek, means you will treat the work lightly and to colleagues will talk.....
Adam and EveTo dream of Adam and Eve with a snake, suggests it is likely to convey you be should cautious.......
Bow and arrowIf you see a bow and arrow in a dream, expect trouble.......
Black and whiteIf you dream of white, then you are expecting progress, good health, achievements, joy and love.......
RoyaltyA dream that you are king or queen , means success will come to you.......
The same dream over and overReach completion and you will stop dreaming that dream.......
Day dreaming Interpretation of this dream depends on the day of the related elements (sun, stars, moon, clouds, etc).......
Date, dating and interpretation are determined by the attendant circumstances of the dream.......
AmberTo dream of amber, means your house will be the king of fertility and abundance.......
LibraTo dream yourself as the sign, means that the interpretation is literal.......
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