It is believed that divination using regular playing cards very accurately shows when you will fall in love and what your upcoming relationship will be like. With a simple prognosis, you can determine the type of people around you and what types you will meet in the future.
Shuffle 36 playing cards - from a 6 to an Ace. Pick out 3 cards from the deck and place them in the center - they show your thoughts and feelings. On the left and right sides of these 3 cards, arrange another 3 - they signify your present.
Under the cards showing the present, arrange 6 cards - these show your past. Above the cards revealing the present, arrange 6 cards - these show your future.
Once you have arranged all the cards, turn them facing up and interpret the meaning of each one.
Take a look at the drawn cards and see which suit the majority of them belong to - they reveal what events you must prepare for.

Spades - signs of intense passion
Ace - a night of passion
King - a mysterious man
Queen - a female rival
Jack - a young man, who seeks only flings
10 - hidden intentions
9 - loneliness
8 - sex
7 - tears
6 - travels at night
Hearts - signs of love to be experienced
Ace - a gathering, where you will find love
King - single man
Queen - single woman
Jack - problems with a single man
10 - a love date
9 - love
8 - a breakup
7 - illusions
6 - a pleasant journey
Diamonds - signs of unpleasant changes and melancholy
Ace - a home setting
King - a composed and stable man
Queen - a rich and powerful woman
Jack - a horrible breakup
10 - problems at work
9 - cheating
8 - heartache
7 - a conversation
6 - a work-related trip
Clubs - signs of money and riches
Ace - an unexpected meeting
King - a married man
Queen - a married woman
Jack - troubles regarding money
10 - financial proceeds
9 - riches
8 - loss of a large sum of money
7 - a good deal
6 - a trip having to do with money