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Prophetic Dreams Depend on ... your PillowIt is not always true that a dream is only seen once, so pay more attention to the recurring dreams.
Most often dreams come true the next day or up to 9 months after you have dreamed them....
08 Jan.
What impact flowers have on DreamsThen the volunteers were questioned about their dreams and how they felt the aroma. It turned out that the emotional moment in their dreams changed depending on the type of stimulant....
22 Dec.
The Effects of Aromas on DreamsPast studies have shown that other types of stimuli, such as sound, pressure or vibration can have an effect on the emotional side of dreams....
19 May
Dreams That Have Left Their Mark on HistoryEssentially looking at his dream on paper, the chemist made only one change and so created the table that would completely change the course of history of chemistry....
09 Feb.
Sleeping on an Empty Stomach Changes Our DreamsTry not to eat before going to bed and fall sleep on an empty stomach for a whole week.
This will change your dreams....
21 Aug.
What do Dreams on New Year's Eve Mean?Any kind of dream where you feel confused, disappointed and unhappy means that the upcoming year won't be one of the easy ones for you....
31 Dec.
Dreams about Dancing Portend Changes on the Love FrontAs an element in dreams, dance is also related to the romantic aspect of our lives. But to discern the exact message in the dream you have to consider all of the other circumstances while the dancing is going on....
04 May
Your dreams on the night of Saturday to SundayThese are those that you dream on Saturday night. You ask why?...
26 June
Dreams on the Night of Wednesday Going into ThursdayVery often, Wednesday night dreams come true on Sunday. As a whole, dreams witnessed on Wednesday going into Thursday are prophetic....
10 June
Dreams on the Night of Thursday Going into FridayProphetic dreams often transpire on the night of Thursday going into Friday. On Thursday nights, you must pay close attention to the details you witness in the dream....
06 June
Dreams on the Night of Tuesday Going into WednesdayThe dreams that you have on Tuesday going into Wednesday are under the rulership of Mercury. That is why dreams on that night are usually pleasant and light....
05 June
Dreams on the Night of Friday Going into SaturdayThe dreams we see on Friday night show us what we need to give up on and what decision to make. On Friday night, we can see fragments of our future, as well as the future of people who are important to us....
28 May
Dreams on the Night of Monday Going into TuesdayThe dreams we have on Monday going into Tuesday often portend of future conflicts....
19 May
Dreams on the Night of Sunday Going into MondaySome dreams are prophetic and in order to find out whether a particular dream is one of these, take into consideration the day of the week you dreamed it....
15 May
Dream CatalystsThere are many ways to make your dreams brighter and more significant. Such dreams carry more information in them and are easier to remember. To do this, so-called dream catalysts are used....
28 May
Find out the Most Bizarre Things about our Dreams on World Sleep DayEvery one of the individuals that appears in our dreams is one we've seen in real life....
14 Mar.
Why Do We Dream?Dreams are its way of restarting.
In case of problems, obstacles in our way, we rely on the information from memories....
23 Nov.
Hindu dream meaning interpretationsEmbroidery and decorations: Do not rely on loved ones, it is extremely likely y=that you will be deceived and disappointed by them....
24 June
Sigmund Freud's Dream DictionaryIf you're the one killing someone then you are the one who wants to bring about this change.
Dogs and dreams usually symbolize friends and new people you've met....
21 Oct.
Pyramids on MarsAccording to surveys, it is entirely possible that on Mars lived civilization whose representatives have visited our planet Earth....
30 Nov.
Injury DreamsFor example, people in depression who dream nightmarish dreams will only worsen the situation of suffering the next day.
So perhaps it's better that man did not see dreams....
23 June
Flying DreamsBeing unaware at the time you feel aware of the dream only says that one is unaware of being in touch with the lucid dream however on the same token during a flying dream we make the connection with the lucid dream as one...
03 Aug.
Dream that you are pregnant?Finally in the third trimester dreams are filled with your own mother....
22 Mar.
Freud's Dream Dictionary - Part 2Chains
Chains in a dream are a symbol of limitations. If you are chained, it means that you are subconsciously placing some kinds of restrictions on yourself in life....
22 Oct.
Dream Meanings According to HinduismIt is believed that the majority of our dreams have the goal of focusing our attention on a particular message that is important to us....
14 May