Oneirology is called a modern science, which studies dreams and tries to give a scientific answer to the questions surrounding the dreaming process. However, it has excited people since ancient times. There are many theories that try to explain what sleep is and why we dream outside of science.
To begin with, it is necessary to define the concept of sleep. These are images, thoughts and emotions that a person experiences while sleeping. Dreams vary greatly - they can be very rich and intense or completely vague, fleeting, confusing and even boring. Sometimes they have a clear meaning, other times they are completely incomprehensible, just thrown pictures, images or emotions.
According to some views, everyday stress changes dreams. Sometimes they reflect our inner emotions. Without symbols, dreams attempt to balance and remove our inner disturbances.
The scientific community claims that sleep is fundamental to the functioning of the mind and memory. The key to enhancing memory is precisely in sleep, not rest.
In the process of dreaming, recently experienced incidents and events are processed and organized. Daily memories are consolidated through sleep and this way the brain is refreshed. Dreams are its way of restarting.
In case of problems, obstacles in our way, we rely on the information from memories. So dreaming is useful in this sense, because it helps us organize and consolidate memories and makes it easier to access them when needed.

The most vivid dreams occur during the REM phase. In this sleep phase are also the dreams that we are most likely to remember in the morning. Upon waking, our active mind assembles the images and individual fragments of the dream, creating a coherent narrative of the dream.
Dreams are also a stimulus for creativity, they help solve everyday problems that are difficult. In the dreaming process creativity has no limits, because the limiting realities of the conscious world are absent. This way, creative thinking is in flight and at that moment ideas can be born that are solutions to problems.
In this line of thought, we come to the conclusion that dreams are a reflection of our lives. They appear as fragments in the memory, prepare us, protect us from the dangers of real life, help us process everyday emotions, systematize the most important of the information we receive. Dreams are important to our real life.
Learn also how to control our dreams and how to remember our dreams.