
Many people wonder there such a thing as a curse? Does it harm us or is it just another hoax. Increasingly we often hear complaints about this kind of damage, to other authority figures. But what is really a curse?...

If bubbles form it means the person was cursed. Have the cursed individual wash their hands and face, then pour it out into the toilet.
Never underestimate curses, they can make you feel exceptionally ill....

Relish in them, talk to them and they'll protect you from curses and energy vampires, say experts of the occult.
They recommend having a houseleek plant in every home....

It is said that all this is a result of the Kings Curse.
However even believers of the curse with the most vivid imagination can not explain certain facts....

More tips on warding off spells and curses
1. Strengthen your spiritual shield
Believe it or not, you should regularly protect yourself against curses and spells....

Hematite breaks down the worst type of magic curses - blood magic curses - the kind that are passed down from generation to generation....

To break the curse on the highway, drivers have asked if the highway can have a new number. Scientists however, are convinced that changing the numbers would hardly mean expelling the highway of it's ghostly powers!...

Sinister things happen on the fourth day of each month!
The sociologist at the University of California San Diego and his team came to this conclusion. They found that heart failure that happened on the 4th day of the...

The photo can be a dangerous weapon in the hands of malicious people. If someone has your photo, if desired, they may send you a bad spell and you will incur a lot of trouble.
This may explain persistent lack of luck,...

A magic curse is black magic, which is done by witches.
The family curse is much stronger than spells, all it takes is one person to have it for generations to come....

The Ötzi Mummy
It is said that the oldest mummy ever found is cursed and that any researcher who tries to study it is met with ill-luck.

Hawaiian Islands
A heavy curse weighs heavily upon the ever popular Hawaiian Islands as well, known as Pele's Curse....

If you think you are cursed, you can remove it with certain rituals and actions. You just have to follow strictly the order of the actions of the ritual....

It is not necessary to think that loneliness is always caused by your enemies, who have used dark occult techniques.
Often the person themselves cause their own loneliness with their actions and thoughts. There are also...

The Chair of Death - this seemingly ordinary piece of furniture was cursed by its first owner, who loved his chair more than anything in the world....