»Dream Dictionary»To see Green Leafy Vegetables in Dream Means What
Green VegetablesIf you see green vegetables in your dream, you will need spiritual nourishment.......
VegetablesIf you dream of vegetables , means you will need spiritual food. If dreaming of stew vegetables , means sorrow......
Vegetable To dream you eat raw vegetables , means you can do anything in the work.......
See starIf you see star in a dream, expect welfare. Falling stars mean expect joy.......
Green To dream of green grass, water, clothing or eyes means you will have peace, comfort and harmony.......1
Mean To dream that someone else is guilty, means you are scorned.......
Greed To dream that you are greedy , means you will harm yourself with your thoughtless actions.......
GreekVisiting Greece in a dream means that you will conclude a bargain for a property.......
Green beans To dream of green beans, means you will lose a large sum of money.......
Green plumsIf you dream that you eat green plums you are to grieve for one's mistakes.......
Green peppers To dream of sweet green peppers, means you will have good health.......
Green onions To dream of green onions, means your grief.......1
Green colorIf you dream of green flowers, it indicates you wait for a nice future.......
Green Meadow To dream you walk, sleep or have a bed in a green meadow tells you, you will realize your intention and you will p...
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