»Choosen Collections»How was the Theory That Pyramids Were Built by Slaves Disproven

The findings are extremely important since the current theory is that the pyramids were built by slave labor....


Most Chinese scholars believe that the theory of the origin of man is multi....

Basically what they were saying was that the animals folded up their toes and that was why their tracks looked like modern humans'.

No man who has never heard of Egyptian pyramids, in fact they were large tombs that were built in ancient times, the glory of Pharaohs....

But the new theory clearly illustrates how everything in the universe is connected....

The most points were earned by the hits that would otherwise be lethal were the bullets not made of wax....

It and the mortuary complex around it were built by Imhotep.
The Pyramid of Djoser impresses with its vast dimensions....

If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord will become known by his vision, the dream would talk"....

Notes containing an unpublished and unknown to science theory have been found by accident....

This pyramid is taller than the Great Pyramid. Osmanagic's belief is that these pyramids were built by people around the 7th century B.C....

Cities of the Mayas possessed an unique outlook, temples were built in the form of stepped pyramids, decorated with statues and reliefs....

He went inside the pyramid, and according to his descriptions it had a huge crystal sphere which was held by two bronze hands....

The Emperor Trajan - builder of the first mall
The first of its kind mall was built by Emperor Trajan in Rome....
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