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Mysticism and Mysteries

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Everyday Beliefs That Portend Something GoodEveryday Beliefs That Portend Something Good
10 Nov.
If you break an egg and the shell is in small pieces, it's a sign that you'll have good luck. If you spill sugar, expect good news. The more sugar you've spilt, the more happiness you'll experience soon enough.
NASA Detects Strange Light Shooting Out from Black HoleNASA Detects Strange Light Shooting Out from Black Hole
10 Nov.
NASA's NuSTAR telescope has detected unusual activity in the supermassive black hole Markarian 335. Images clearly show a strange light emitting from the black hole.
Here's What Will Happen if Earth's Human Population DoublesHere's What Will Happen if Earth's Human Population Doubles
09 Nov.
Housing won't be the populace's biggest problem. Food and water will be limited. To be able to feed Earth's doubled population would require an agricultural area the size of the US.
Superstitions about RingsSuperstitions about Rings
06 Nov.
In ancient times, the Egyptians believed that there was a vein passing through the ring finger which lead straight to the heart. This legend was adopted by the Greeks during Alexander the Great's conquest of Egypt, from there passing on to the Romans.
The Bermuda Triangle Swallows Another ShipThe Bermuda Triangle Swallows Another Ship
05 Nov.
Only a life preserver was found from the SS El Faro cargo ship which disappeared at the beginning of October in the Bermuda triangle region. The vessel with its 33-member crew fell off the radar during Hurricane Joaquin. . .
Jupiter Once Birthed Another Gas Giant Planet in the Solar SystemJupiter Once Birthed Another Gas Giant Planet in the Solar System
04 Nov.
Billions of years ago, a collision between Jupiter and another celestial body birthed another gas giant planet in our Solar System, writes the Astrophysical Journal, quoting a Canadian study.
Asia Man Awaits his 34th GrandchildAsia Man Awaits his 34th Grandchild
02 Nov.
In the Indian village of Baktawng, Mizoram state, lives the 200-member family of Ziona Chana. The now 70-year-old Indian man has 39 wives, 94 children, 33 grandchildren and 14 daughters-in-law.
Why are Four-Leaf Clovers Considered Lucky?Why are Four-Leaf Clovers Considered Lucky?
30 Oct.
The clover is a plant that has for centuries on end been sacred to the Druids - Irish priests who performed special rituals having do with nature.
Comet Lovejoy Spews Alcohol and Sugar in SpaceComet Lovejoy Spews Alcohol and Sugar in Space
30 Oct.
A team from the Paris Observatory has discovered that the Comet Lovejoy gushes forth notable amounts of alcohol and sugar throughout space. New data reveals that the celestial object contains ethyl alcohol. . .
Facts about People with Grey EyesFacts about People with Grey Eyes
29 Oct.
Persons with grey eyes are temperamental and self-loving. At times they can appear to be unscrupulous and egotistical but this is so that they reach their goals more easily.
The Most Terrifying Medieval Executions!The Most Terrifying Medieval Executions!
29 Oct.
A very popular type of torture in Germany was sleep deprivation. No bones were broken or limbs cut off because the goal was to keep the victim in an awakened state.
What Does Our Thumb Reveal about Our Character?What Does Our Thumb Reveal about Our Character?
27 Oct.
Excessive mobility and flexibility of the thumb reveal a tense and impulsive person. In contrast, a stiff and not so flexible thumb indicates single-mindedness and a limited type of mindset.
Most Popular Beliefs and Superstitions about MeteorsMost Popular Beliefs and Superstitions about Meteors
26 Oct.
Long ago, meteors were thought to foreshadow different events or that they themselves were messages sent by higher beings. One of the more common ideas was that the gods sent these messages.