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Geminids and Beliefs about MeteorsGeminids and Beliefs about Meteors
22 Oct.
What we know is that back in the early centuries, meteor showers were something quite strange and even terrifying to our ancestors. In ancient times, people would give meteors all sorts of meanings and see signs in them.
Orionid Meteor Shower to Make All Wishes Come True on ThursdayOrionid Meteor Shower to Make All Wishes Come True on Thursday
21 Oct.
The Orionids have been lighting up the night sky since October 20. By the end of the meter shower, an average of about 150 meteors per hour will have burned up in Earth's atmosphere.
Nanorobots in our Brain to Make us Superhuman in 2030Nanorobots in our Brain to Make us Superhuman in 2030
21 Oct.
Leading computer experts are going beyond their normal fields of expertise. They say that if we were to place small robot-implants linked to computer networks in the human brain, this would then allow us to have direct contact through them.
Scientist Predicts Human Extinction in 100 yearsScientist Predicts Human Extinction in 100 years
19 Oct.
According to Australian virologist prof. Frank Fenner, there won't be a single human left alive in 100 years. The scientist points to the Earth's overpopulation and climate changes as reasons for humanity's disappearance.
A Single Glance Can Determine your CharacterA Single Glance Can Determine your Character
19 Oct.
Romantic character - You are very trustful, you build friendships quickly and fall in love just as fast. You believe in love and do everything you can for it.
Hawking: If Extraterrestrials Exist, They Will Destroy UsHawking: If Extraterrestrials Exist, They Will Destroy Us
15 Oct.
Modern-day genius Stephen Hawking theorizes that if extraterrestrial intelligence exists on other planets, it is highly likely for these aliens to destroy the human race in their efforts to colonize Earth.
NASA Creates New Map of JupiterNASA Creates New Map of Jupiter
15 Oct.
One of the discoveries is an unusual wave just north of the planet's equator, as well as a unique filament-like feature at the very heart of the Great Red Spot - a hurricane 3 times larger than Earth. . .
Do you Know What Death Smells Like?Do you Know What Death Smells Like?
14 Oct.
Actually we're talking about the aroma of the human body, immediately after the person dies. Right before the body's tissues begin to decompose, it gives off a smell of fresh fish and freshly mowed grass.
Having Hallucinations? Don't Worry, it's NormalHaving Hallucinations? Don't Worry, it's Normal
14 Oct.
Scientists from Cambridge believe that hallucinations, which are characteristic of psychological disorders, might actually be a natural reaction by the brain. Using it, the brain tries to give meaning to its surrounding world.
The US Will Be Completely Unrecognizable in 100 YearsThe US Will Be Completely Unrecognizable in 100 Years
13 Oct.
Climate is changing on a global scale, and this in turn is leading to constantly occurring cataclysms. The climate changes will affect not only the flora, but the fauna as well.
Are our Political Beliefs Rooted in our Genes?Are our Political Beliefs Rooted in our Genes?
13 Oct.
According to scientists from the UK's Royal Society, a person's political views are fixed in their genes. The variation of the DRD4 gene also affects our political inclinations.
What Would Happen to us if the Earth Were to Stop SpinningWhat Would Happen to us if the Earth Were to Stop Spinning
12 Oct.
With the Earth no longer spinning, we can all say goodbye to our 24-hour day. There would no longer be any point in counting the hours of day and night since one half of the planet would be in perpetual day and the other - in endless darkness.
The History of Mankind is a Weave of Cycles?The History of Mankind is a Weave of Cycles?
09 Oct.
One of the popular theories of German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel claims that the history of mankind repeats in a constant cycle and that people don't always manage to learn from their mistakes.