Mysticism and Mysteries

Mysticism and Mysteries

Welcome to the great mystery information center. Explore the world of unrevealed phenomena, unexplained mysteries , mystical events or simply curious stories. Mystery entertainment, information and articles for all who like mystery and mysteries . The greatest mysteries of mankind. Short mystery stories .
The Past 2015 was the Worst Year Climate-WiseThe Past 2015 was the Worst Year Climate-Wise
08 Jan.
History will remember 2015 as the worst year from a climate standpoint. Several records were registered that are in no way positive. 2015 was the hottest on record, indicates data from The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Pick a Tree and Find out What Type of Love Partner to Look for!Pick a Tree and Find out What Type of Love Partner to Look for!
07 Jan.
If you'd like to find out the strengths and weaknesses you express in a love relationship, pick one of the 5 trees pictured. With this test you'll also find out the type of person that would make the perfect partner for you.
Symbolism and Meaning of the Color PinkSymbolism and Meaning of the Color Pink
07 Jan.
Pink is one of those colors that has endless contradictory meanings. The color is a symbol of escapism from reality, a synonym of impracticality. Few people know that the color pink is actually a combination of red and white. . .
An 800-Year-Old Cell Phone Proves the Existence of ExtraterrestrialsAn 800-Year-Old Cell Phone Proves the Existence of Extraterrestrials
06 Jan.
In Salzburg, Austria, archaeologists have found an 800-year-old cell phone. According to conspiracy theories this is undeniable proof that extraterrestrials have visited Earth in the past.
The Year 2016 is the Year of the Red Fire MonkeyThe Year 2016 is the Year of the Red Fire Monkey
04 Jan.
According to the Chinese calendar, 2016 falls under the patronage of the red fire monkey, which will bring tons of energy, activity and fun.
Rituals for Love and Luck on New Year's EveRituals for Love and Luck on New Year's Eve
31 Dec.
Your luck is guaranteed if you hug and kiss those you truly love right at midnight. However, it's best to say cheers from a distance to those you don't like.
True Stories Proving that Miracles do Happen on ChristmasTrue Stories Proving that Miracles do Happen on Christmas
25 Dec.
Santa Claus answers the letter of a poor little girl. Paralyzed boy begins to walk once again on Christmas. Christmas truce during World War I.
What Does the Red Rose Symbolize?What Does the Red Rose Symbolize?
23 Dec.
For centuries, flowers have borne their own particular symbolism. When you give or receive red roses, this gesture inevitably bears the message I love you. Through them we say more than we ever could with mere words.
Mars's Continental Crust is Similar to Earth'sMars's Continental Crust is Similar to Earth's
15 Dec.
The latest discovery that the Curiosity rover has made are rocks, very much like the ones that were dominant on Earth 2. 5 billion years ago. It indicates that Mars had a continental crust similar to Earth's.
Robots are Replacing Humans in Non-Creative ProfessionsRobots are Replacing Humans in Non-Creative Professions
15 Dec.
Japanese analysts predict that more than half of the jobs in the country in the next 20 years will be taken over by robots. They reached this conclusion after analyzing over 600 types of jobs.
They're Planning to Build a Vertical City in the SaharaThey're Planning to Build a Vertical City in the Sahara
14 Dec.
Architects from leading French construction company OXO have presented a plan for erecting a futuristic city in the Sahara - one of the most uninviting places to live on Earth.
The Mystery of Angelica Koten, Who Proved the Existence of TelekinesisThe Mystery of Angelica Koten, Who Proved the Existence of Telekinesis
14 Dec.
The French girl Angelica Koten was the first documented case to prove the existence of telekinesis. At the age of 13, the girl unlocked her ability to pull and push away objects.
Geminids Meteor Shower Peaks on December 14Geminids Meteor Shower Peaks on December 14
14 Dec.
The Geminids meteor shower will peak on December 14. Given good meteorological conditions, we'll be able to observe over 120 meteors per hour.