Mysticism and Mysteries

Mysticism and Mysteries

Welcome to the great mystery information center. Explore the world of unrevealed phenomena, unexplained mysteries , mystical events or simply curious stories. Mystery entertainment, information and articles for all who like mystery and mysteries . The greatest mysteries of mankind. Short mystery stories .
We are Not Alone! NASA Discovers Solar System with at Least 3 Potentially Habitable PlanetsWe are Not Alone! NASA Discovers Solar System with at Least 3 Potentially Habitable Planets
24 Feb.
NASA's phenomenal discovery might soon bring us into contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. The Space Administration has discovered a twin of our own Solar System, in which at least 3 of the planets are potentially habitable.
These Signs Indicate That your Soul has Reincarnated More than OnceThese Signs Indicate That your Soul has Reincarnated More than Once
21 Feb.
There are several signs that reveal that you carry an old soul and that you've reincarnated more than once. Usually, this is felt by one's intuition but there are also several obvious signs that can give this away.
The Theory of White Holes and Other Strange Scientific ClaimsThe Theory of White Holes and Other Strange Scientific Claims
17 Feb.
There have been strange scientific theories all throughout history. Some are so unusual that the average human brain cannot even comprehend them and dismisses them out of hand.
Facts about Space you May Not be Familiar WithFacts about Space you May Not be Familiar With
15 Feb.
No matter how much we think we know about the nature of the Universe, it remains a mysterious place, filled with things we don't understand, such as black holes, red dwarfs, asteroid belts and more.
The 4 Kinds of Soul Mates we Meet in our LivesThe 4 Kinds of Soul Mates we Meet in our Lives
14 Feb.
A soul mate is a spiritual partner that comes into our lives to teach us. Many people mistakenly define a soul mate as a person whom they'll be in love with for life but it may also be a person who hurts them, in order to teach them a valuable lesson.
The Mandela Effect will Make you Question your own MemoriesThe Mandela Effect will Make you Question your own Memories
09 Feb.
The Mandela Effect is a term used to describe a very interesting phenomenon observed in people. As it turns out, entire groups of individuals recall historical facts in a completely distorted way.
Mercury Enters Aquarius! Find out Where your Potential will UnfoldMercury Enters Aquarius! Find out Where your Potential will Unfold
07 Feb.
The planet of communication and thought, Mercury, will be traveling through Aquarius from February 7-25. This movement will provide you opportunities for progress in certain fields.
Is our Universe in Fact a Complex Hologram?Is our Universe in Fact a Complex Hologram?
07 Feb.
It is highly likely that our Universe may in fact be a holographic model, as shown by the latest scientific observations. This view has been reached after juxtaposing some older data about our Universe.
Gigantic Reptiles Ruled the Skies of Romania 70 Million Years AgoGigantic Reptiles Ruled the Skies of Romania 70 Million Years Ago
06 Feb.
Even though the official name the creature was given was Hatzegopteryx, it quickly became better known as the flying T-rex .
Behold the Earliest Known Ancestral Organism of Life on the PlanetBehold the Earliest Known Ancestral Organism of Life on the Planet
03 Feb.
Like a wrinkled bag with a huge mouth and no eyes - this is how scientists describe the recently found fossil of a sea creature that's thought to be one of the earliest ancestors of life on Earth.
Unbelievably Accurate Prediction about the Future Takes the Internet by StormUnbelievably Accurate Prediction about the Future Takes the Internet by Storm
02 Feb.
In 1995, astrophysicist Carl Sagan published his book The Demon-Haunted World where he made predictions about what Earth would be like 20 years in the future. Incredibly, what he said in the 90s has been confirmed today.
The Moon Steals a Little of Earth's Atmosphere Every DayThe Moon Steals a Little of Earth's Atmosphere Every Day
02 Feb.
New data collected form scientists at Osaka University show that Earth's natural satellite steals bits of its atmosphere every day. The study was published in Science News journal.
In Search of the Legendary Shambhala - Home of the 5th Human RaceIn Search of the Legendary Shambhala - Home of the 5th Human Race
31 Jan.
Eastern culture legends tell of the mysterious land known as Shambhala. In the past it was believed that this earthly heaven was located somewhere in the Himalayas.